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An English Kampong is a community dwelled by many Courses and the new comers form many regions in Indonesia in order to study Englih. The image of the village of  Pelem and Tulungrejo as English kampong have attracted many youth from many regions to study English. English kampong was established in 1977. The fast growing English kampong is identified by the establishment of many courses and the arrival of new comers from regions in Indonesia in order to study
English. They stay at homestay and English Camp. The fast growing English  Kampong effects social and cultural change toward the society of the village of
Pelem especially Singgahan Kampong and the village of Tulungrejo  especially Mangunrejo Kampong Pare Kediri East Java.
The effect of the fast growing English Kampung toward social change cov ers  1) the change seen from social value, 2) the change seen from social attitude, and 3) the change seen from social behaviour. The effect of the fast growing English Kampong toward cultural change covers 1) the change seen from
cultural tardition aspect, 2) the change seen from science aspect, 3) the change seen from of technology aspect, 4) the change seen from belief aspect.