Goal orientation of regular and working undergraduate students in the first year of college: A phenomenological study

Purpose: Working individuals pursue higher education for various reasons, including improving qualifications, developing expertise, increasing income, career change, fulfilling personal aspirations, and adapting to technological advancements. Goal orientation is crucial for students to manage time, and stress, and achieve goals. This study aims to determine differences in goal orientation between regular and working students and to conduct further research on this topic.
Methods: phenomenological qualitative research with a semi-structured interview method. Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) analysis technique. Subjects of this research are students and female students of University "X" in the early semester (1-2 semester) with an age range of 19-40 years old. The subjects of this study were students who met the criteria set by the researcher and were willing to be respondents to the study, obtained a total of 6 people, and were willing to be respondents to the study.
Results: The study reveals that regular students prioritize obtaining achievements and a better career, while working students focus on mastering science for their profession and facilitating career promotion, highlighting the differences in undergraduate education.
Conclusion: goal orientation owned by regular and working students in continuing their studies is divided into two, namely performance orientation and mastery orientation.
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