Psychological well - being of nurses in crisis situations during the covid - 19 pandemic: A phenomenological study

  • Earlene Benedicta Gravila Saraswati Rundengan Utrecht University, Utrecht, Netherland
  • Made Dharmawan Rama Adhyatma Universitas Katolik Widya Mandala Surabaya, Surabaya, Indonesia
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Keywords: psychological well-being; nurses; COVID-19 pandemic


Purpose: The COVID-19 pandemic has greatly impacted health workers, one of which is the nurses who are tasked with intensively accompanying COVID-19 patients. Strict health protocols and high workloads due to the COVID-19 pandemic can have a physical and psychological impact on nurses caring for COVID-19 patients. From a psychological perspective, it is important to manage Psychological Well-being (PWB) in order to avoid continuing psychological disorders that will also have an impact on the individual's physical condition. The purpose of this study was to explore the descriptions of PWB among nurses caring for COVID-19 patients.  

Method: This study uses qualitative research with a phenomenological approach. Informants were selected using a purposive sampling technique and data were analyzed using a deductive thematic analysis approach.  

Result: The results of this study show that even though nurses experience crisis situations, they are able to manage their psychological well-being. An important initial aspect to manage is self-acceptance.  

Conclusion: Apart from that, reflective abilities are also important so that nurses are able to find ways to maintain environmental mastery, overcome difficult situations independently, build positive relationships, and be aware of their personal growth while facing the COVID-19 pandemic crisis situation.


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