Stress Dynamics: A Comparative Study of Housewives and Career Women

  • Nathania Bayu Astrella Yudharta University, Pasuruan, East Java, Indonesia
  • Nanik Kholifah Yudharta University, Pasuruan, East Java, Indonesia
  • Istichomah Yudharta University, Pasuruan, East Java, Indonesia
Abstract Views: 141 times
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Keywords: career women; housewives; stress dynamic


Purpose: Stress is a prevalent psychological phenomenon occurs within individuals form various demographics, with women often facing stressors related to their roles as housewives or career women. This study explores the stress dynamics experienced by the two groups of women.

Method: This study employs quantitative methodology and qualitative methodology. Quota sampling technique used, with characteristic of women age between 20-40 years old, those career women and housewives, with samples of 110 of each groups, located in sub-district of Pasuruan Regency. Stress Scale used to measures stress levels and Questionaires used to collect the source of stressors and the coping mechanism.

Result: The inter-group t-test analysis showed that in average, Housewives experienced more stress than Career Women. 78% of Housewives and 58% of Career Women experiencing external stressors. The coping mechanism used by Housewives are 61% emotional-focused, and 52% of Career Women used problem-focused.

Concusion: In conclusion, while in average Housewives shows more stress than Career Women, both groups experiencing higher external stressors such as expectations from family and society, than internal stressors. The topic of stress and how women cope, requires more personal and casuistically approach.



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