Counterproductive work behavior reviewed by organizational culture in millennial employees

Purpose: Counterproductive work behavior is deviant behavior carried out by individuals that causes losses to the company and its members. One of the generations working as employees in the current era is the millennial generation or commonly known as generation Y. This research aims to examine the influence of organizational culture on counterproductive work behavior among millennial employees.
Method: This research method is quantitative using a research instrument in the form of a questionnaire using a Likert scale. In this study, the researcher determined using a cluster sampling technique to obtain a sample of 130 respondents from six companies. The analytical tests used are Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) and multiple regression.
Result: The results of the multiple linear regression test show that there is a significant influence on organizational culture variables (innovation and risk taking, attention to detail), results orientation, people orientation, team orientation, aggressiveness, stability) on counterproductive work behavior among millennial employees. Organizational culture has a significant influence on counterproductive work behavior, namely innovation and risk taking variables have a positive influence and contribute 11.4%, then results orientation has a negative influence and contributes 56.5%, then people orientation has a negative influence and contributes 23 .1%. %. Team orientation also has a positive influence and contributes 14.3%, while aggressiveness has a positive influence and contributes 20.9%, while other variables that have no influence on counterproductive work behavior are the variables attention to detail and stability.
Conclusion: In the future this research can become a reference for further research by paying attention to other variables such as personality, job characteristics, work group characteristics, and organizational injustice.
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