The Influence of Japanese City Pop Music on Emerging Adults’ Sleep Quality

  • R. Ezra A. A. S. A. Sadjiarto Widya Mandala Surabaya Catholic University, Surabaya, Indonesia
  • Dicky Susilo Widya Mandala Surabaya Catholic University, Surabaya, Indonesia
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Keywords: city pop music; emerging adults; sleep quality


Purpose: Previous studies suggest music as a low-risk, low-cost method to improve sleep quality, particularly beneficial for individuals with high-stress lifestyles. This research focuses on City Pop Music, chosen for its ability to evoke positive feelings and nostalgia, anticipating it will enhance sleep quality.


Method: Using a Pretest Post-test between Control Group Design, this study involves 10 participants equally divided into control and experimental groups. Treatment lasts 21 days, with data collection every 7 days. Data includes the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index, Bedtime Procrastination Scale, and Scale of Positive and Negative Experiences. Qualitative data was gathered through participant journaling and interviews.


Result: Sleep quality showed no improvement in participants exposed to city pop music (p=0.05; p>0.05). There were no changes in positive and negative experiences or bedtime procrastination. T-tests also showed that there were no differences between groups during treatment (p=0.59; p>0.05). However, qualitative data revealed feelings of calmness, enjoyment, and relaxation among participants.


Conclusion: While city pop music didn't enhance sleep quality, qualitative findings suggest it may induce calmness and relaxation. Possible factors contributing to these results include individual music preferences, room temperature, and sleep conditions. Future research is necessary to design interventions according to each person’s preferences.


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