Phenomenological study: Spiritual life of older adults

  • Berliany Venny Sipollo STIKes Panti Waluya Malang, Malang, Indonesia
  • Alfan Razil Surya Dwiki STIKes Panti Waluya Malang, Malang, Indonesia
  • Amanda Amelia Putri Karyadi STIKes Panti Waluya Malang, Malang, Indonesia
  • Ammar Annisa Balqis STIKes Panti Waluya Malang, Malang, Indonesia
  • Angelika Dona Prasetyo STIKes Panti Waluya Malang, Malang, Indonesia
  • Brigita Riadi STIKes Panti Waluya Malang, Malang, Indonesia
  • Maria Angelica Rayna Christianti STIKes Panti Waluya Malang, Malang, Indonesia
  • Octaviana Lady Florancia Hamady STIKes Panti Waluya Malang, Malang, Indonesia
  • Patricia Putri Indrasari STIKes Panti Waluya Malang, Malang, Indonesia
  • Sharbela Adelia Pitalokaning Ayu STIKes Panti Waluya Malang, Malang, Indonesia
  • Theresia Bunga Cinta Antari STIKes Panti Waluya Malang, Malang, Indonesia
Abstract Views: 133 times
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Keywords: older adults;spiritual;aging process


Purpose: As getting older, individuals may face various physical, mental, and social challenges that are a natural part of life. In recent times, an increasing number of individuals have been exploring the potential benefits of spirituality in enhancing the overall quality of life and well-being for older adults. Spirituality can take on many forms, including religious beliefs, the pursuit of purpose and significance, and the comprehension of faith, among other areas. This research aims to thoroughly examine and uncover the spiritual practices and beliefs of older adults residing in East Java, Indonesia.

Method: This study involved qualitative research using a phenomenological methodology to gather data from ten older adults (60-90 years old) living at home in Malang Raya, Jawa Timur Provinces, Indonesia. Data was gathered through in-depth interviews and observations which were analyzed using Colaizzi's phenomenological methodology. A total of 10 questions were asked in the interviews.

Result: After conducting research, it was discovered that the spiritual experiences of older adult Indonesians could be categorized into eight distinct areas, which could be further grouped into two major themes and three minor themes. The two major themes were the recognition of an invisible power during the aging process and the importance of building a strong connection with God.

Conclusion: The spiritual life of senior citizens is a significant source of strength and fortitude, providing them with the necessary resilience to face the physical and mental challenges that come with transcendence. It is essential to recognize the transformative nature of a strong spiritual foundation, which can uplift and empower older adults to overcome the difficulties that may arise in the later stages of life.


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