Conceptualizing social support in families of children with special needs

  • Nurul Janah Department of Guidance and Counseling, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Indonesia
  • Iis Solihah STAI KH Badruzzaman, Garut, Indonesia
  • Aji Muhammad Iqbal STAI KH Badruzzaman, Garut, Indonesia
  • Salawat Fatih Ibrahim STAI KH Badruzzaman, Garut, Indonesia
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Keywords: children disabilities; preschool; social support


Purpose: Families usually try to organize the family environment and reach out to resources that can meet their child's needs. Successful resource utilization is important for families in dealing with the daily challenges and demands of caring for a child with special needs. In particular, social support influences the successful adaptation of these families. The concept of social support is increasingly being used to understand families and their functioning, and this research contributes to the evolving process of adaptation.

Method: This study used systematic literature review design. The article search was carried out from January- March 2022 for the literature on parenting styles for children with special needs.

Result: The results mentioned that one or all of the family members experienced adjustments in their work, i.e. shortened working hours, quit their job, or quit their job. The various adjustments that must be made often lead to various disturbances and stress for parents. The stress experienced by parents is also related to the heavy responsibilities of caring for and raising children. Parents' reactions vary. There are parents who cope realistically, resisting, feeling sorry for themselves. When facing significant stressors, families will go through certain processes that allow them to survive and adapt until they can become a harmonious family.

Conclusion: This social support can be emotional, assistance, or informational because it can have an effect on children with special needs so that they do not have to worry about their own weaknesses. Children with special needs that they do not feel different from normal children. This shows that one of the family functions is working very well.


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