The relationship between growth mindset and cognitive flexibility of workforce agility in pt x
Purpose: This research examines the relationship between growth mindset and cognitive flexibility of workforce agility in PT X.
Method: Data gathered from 90 permanent-status employees with quantitative methods. Measurement utilized the adapted Indonesian versions of the Workforce Agility Questionnaire (WAQ), Growth Mindset Scale (GMS), and Cognitive Flexibility Inventory (CFI). The hypotheses were tested using the IBM SPSS Statistics version 23.0 program.
Result: The April-October 2023 research revealed significant findings. The WAQ identified 4 invalid items (construct validity index 0.234-0.607, reliability 0.836). In the GMS (18 items), 1 item was invalid (construct validity index 0.220-0.555, reliability 0.825). The CFI (20 items) marked 2 invalid items (construct validity index 0.166-0.759, reliability 0.874). Hypothesis testing confirmed a positive relationship in the first hypothesis (rx1y = 0.254, p = 0.016) and a positive correlation in the second hypothesis (rx1y = 0.552, p = 0.000). Regression analysis for the third hypothesis indicated a positive correlation with an r value of 0.745 and a p-value of 0.000.
Conclusion: The research results show a significant relationship between growth mindset cognitive flexibility and workforce agility (p>0.05).
Keywords: cognitive flexibility; growth mindset; workforce agility
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