Does virtual reality affect breast cancer patients' pain?: A literature review

Purpose: To comprehensively analyze scientific evidence regarding the effect of virtual reality on pain in breast cancer patients.
Method: This is literature study using PubMed, ScienceDirect and Cochrane Library databases. The inclusion criteria in this literature review are articles published in the last 5 years (2020-2024), articles using Indonesian and English in journals of national or international reputation and research articles. The selected articles are articles that the author can download or open access.
Result: Of the total 493 articles, there were 9 articles that were duplicates or the same article. After that, it was found that the titles of 457 articles did not match the topic. There were 14 articles that did not meet the inclusion criteria and 7 articles had inappropriate interventions and methodology. Finally, 5 articles were obtained that were suitable for analysis.
Conclusion: The use of VR can effectively reduce levels of pain, anxiety, fatigue and depression in breast cancer patients, as well as improve their quality of life. These findings suggest that VR has the potential to be a valuable adjunct in the pain management of breast cancer patients.
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