Internal structure validation of a teacher autonomy scale through confirmatory factor analysis

  • Gayuk Zulaika Program Studi Doktor Psikologi, Universitas Surabaya, Surabaya, Indonesia
  • Yusti Probowati Program Studi Doktor Psikologi, Universitas Surabaya, Surabaya, Indonesia
  • Artiawati Program Studi Doktor Psikologi, Universitas Surabaya, Surabaya, Indonesia
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Keywords: adaptation; autonomy; CFA; female teacher


Purpose: Teacher autonomy is defined as the freedom of teachers to organize the learning and teaching process at school. The teaching autonomy scale measures teacher autonomy (Pearson & Hall, 1993). This study was conducted to identify whether the measuring instrument of teacher autonomy meets the validity and reliability requirements of a measuring instrument.

Method: The number of respondents in this study was obtained using a proportional sampling technique involving 170 respondents. The teacher autonomy measuring instrument produced from this study consists of 17 items that measure two dimensions; curriculum autonomy and general teaching autonomy. The quantitative data analysis techniques used were content-based validity tests through CVR and readability tests, validity evidence based on internal structure through CFA, and reliability tests based on homogeneity (internal consistency) through CR and AVE.

Result: Shows CVR value with a minimum value of 0.78; loading factor ≥ 0.4, except for item 7 and item 8, as well as fit model fit with RMSEA = 0,077; RMR = 0,030; GFI = 0,847; CFI = 0,858; TLI = 0,797; NFI = 0,805; and p-value < 0.05. reliability test through CR value (0.944) > 0.7 and AVE (0.544) > 0.4.

Conclusion: The adaptation of the teacher autonomy measurement tool for female junior high school teachers met good validity and reliability values.


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