The role of resilience in self-esteem among bullying victims

Purpose : Bullying phenomena often occur in the context of education. Those who are bullied experience self-esteem issues because self-esteem grows from interactions with their environment and personal experiences. Bullying can reduce self-esteem, so that victims of bullying need resilience to overcome their traumatic experiences. The purpose of this research is to examine the role of resilience in self-esteem among bullying victims.
Method : This research uses a quantitative method with a correlational research design. The characteristics of this research are students who have been victims of bullying and enrolled in senior high school in Surabaya. The amount of subjects in this research was 59 students.
Result : The research shows that resilience significantly influences self-esteem among bullying victims (F=15.711; p<0.001) with a contribution of 21.7%. It was also found that resilience has a significant positive correlation with self-esteem (r=0.466).
Conclusion: Resilience is a protective factor for individuals' mental health, so when experiencing bullying, individuals still accept themselves as valuable and important individuals.
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