The use of artificial intelligence (AI) in student learning process in the digital era

Purpose:Artificial intelligence (AI) has become one of the most influential technologies in the digital era, and its potential to revolutionize the learning process is enormous. This article discusses the role of AI in improving the quality of education in the digital era. This research aims to provide an understanding of the role of AI in the learning process in the digital era.
Method:The Method section is required to outline the study design (whether qualitative, quantitative, or a combination of both), along with general procedures, including details on participant characteristics, numbers, and data collection methods. If the study doesn't involve primary data collection, please provide information on the methods used to summarize previously reported data, such as narrative systematic review, or meta-analysis.
Result::The research method used is a literature review, which includes an analysis of various sources and views related to the use of AI in higher education. The data used in this article is information from various literary sources, including research results, scientific articles, and news related to the implementation of AI in education. Examples of the role of AI include several main aspects, including personalization, interactivity, feedback, accessibility, and efficiency.
Conclusion: By applying AI to the learning process, we can create a more personalized, interactive, and effective learning experience for all students.
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