Emotion Regulation Training To Increase Students' Learning Concentration Through Fly Ball Games

Purpose: This concentration on learning is often found in students so that many students have difficulty understanding the material presented by the teacher and each student has different forms of not concentrating, including sleepiness, laziness and distracted thinking. This research aims to determine the effectiveness of emotion regulation training through the fly ball game to increase the learning concentration of class VII students at SMP N 2 Karanganyar.
Method: This research used the experimental method with a one group pretest-posttest design by providing training to class students at SMPN 2 Karanganyar which was attended by 32 students. This training was carried out in a participatory manner. The fly ball game is prepared to train students' emotional regulation.
Result: The results of the research showed that there was an increase in students' learning concentration in the pre-test, with results of 53.706 and 57.588 for the average post-test results. Based on the paired sample t-test, the result was t = -3.469 with a significance of 0.001 (p < 0.05).
Conclusion: So this research shows a significant influence between students' learning concentration before and after participating in the training.
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