Understanding the characteristics of suicide in Gunungkidul Regency, Yogyakarta, Indonesia: A retrospective analysis

  • Nastiti Lestari Department of Criminology, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, University of Indonesia
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Keywords: Gunungkidul; mental health; retrospective; suicide


Purpose: This research aims to identify the characteristics of suicide in Gunungkidul Regency, Yogyakarta.

Method: The approach used is a retrospective study, based on retrospective data obtained from the Gunungkidul Regency Resort Police in 2017–2022.

Result: The results of the analysis show that of the total 173 suicide cases, 53.2% occurred in the elderly group. The majority of suicide cases involved individuals working as farmers (72.3%), with the primary method used being hanging (100%). Motives for suicide varied, including chronic illness (23.7%), depression (10.4%), and a combination of physical illness and depression (6.9%).

Conclusion: Increasing access to social support, physical and mental health services in this area, as well as focusing more specifically on prevention efforts linked to recognizing suicide motives, are some of the implications of this research. Apart from providing health assistance to individuals experiencing depression, it also cultivates a new social culture that can effectively shield people from depression, loneliness, feelings of burdensomeness, and other issues.


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