Meraki: Journal of Creative Industries 2024-06-27T15:20:50+00:00 Guguh Sujatmiko Open Journal Systems <p style="text-align: justify;"><em><img src="/public/site/images/guguh/Cover_JPG1.jpg" width="480" height="342"></em></p> <p style="text-align: justify;"><em>Meraki: Journal of Creative Industries is a journal managed by the Faculty of Creative Industries at Surabaya University and is open as a public platform for publication covering various fields such as <strong>product design, fashion design, visual communication design, interior design, advertising, architecture, fine arts and performing arts, crafts, film and photography, culinary, music, performing arts, printing and publishing, software development and interactive games, as well as television and radio.</strong> This scope is based on the categorization carried out by the Ministry of Trade of the Republic of Indonesia and is broadly defined as industries that result from the utilization of creativity, skills, and individual talents to create job opportunities and improve welfare through the use of individual creative and innovative abilities.</em></p> Kriteria Desain Furniture Untuk Shared Workspace Pada Hunian Small Open Space Ruang Tengah 2024-06-27T15:20:50+00:00 Yosia Evan Hariyanto <p>Bertambahnya jumlah populasi di lingkungan perkotaan memicu fenomena hunian <em>small space </em>di perkotaan. Namun pada kenyataannya semakin sempit ruangan membuat ruang gerak menjadi semakin terbatas dan berdampak pada pilihan jenis <em>furniture </em>yang juga semakin terbatas. Menurut survey penelitian, bahwa mayoritas penghuni sempit membutuhkan sebuah workspace untuk menunjang kebutuhan di hunian mereka. Dengan kosep <em>open space </em>pada hunian <em>small space </em>yang mayoritas ada pada hunian sempit dapat dijadikan sebagai area untuk <em>sharing</em>. Dengan konsep <em>sharing </em>dapat efektif mengurangi perabotan berlebih tanpa mengurangi fungsionalitas dari perabotan. Serta dapat menjadi solusi bagi penghuni yang tinggal di hunian sempit.</p> 2024-06-18T06:18:35+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Yosia Evan Hariyanto Perancangan Desain Tas Berbahan Bonggol Jagung Dengan Citra Elegan Melalui Penelusuran Aktivitas Seorang Figur 2024-06-27T15:20:26+00:00 Vlavioreta Christina Hananto <p>This research involves the design of a bag using corncob material with an elegant image through the exploration of the activities of a figure, in this case, the reference figure being Maria Rahajeng. The novelty proposed in the design is the use of corncob material capable of producing an elegant image, and as a bag material, it is not widely applied in the industry, making it a distinctive feature from other bag industries, and subsequently, it can become a market opportunity for the bag product. The method used in this design is the iterative prototyping method, starting from the empathize process and ending with the test process that refers to the analysis results of the activities of a model figure. The result of this design is a prototype bag using corncob material with an elegant image, which is tested for its market absorption at a local exhibition in Bandung. This research was conducted in Bandung during a 4-month internship at PT. Matahati Kreasi Nusantara.</p> 2024-06-18T06:21:27+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Vlavioreta Christina Hananto Interactive NPC for Interactive Learning Media Of Indonesian Traditional Music 2024-06-27T15:20:05+00:00 Vinza Satria <p>In the age of digitalization, society has become increasingly accustomed to the utilization of electronic devices. This phenomenon has also had a discernible impact on the gaming market, with an estimated population of over 1.1 billion gamers across the Asia Pacific region. This figure is anticipated to continue its upward trajectory, particularly in the context of the ongoing pandemic, which has compelled individuals to remain at home and conduct their activities primarily online. Consequently, the adaptation of educational resources to align with this digital era is imperative. Within the scope of this research endeavor, we propose the development of an interactive Non-Playable Character (NPC) capable of responding to inquiries pertaining to indigenous musical instruments. To assess the efficacy of our work, we have implemented two distinct evaluation methodologies. Firstly, we have assessed the accuracy of the proposed NPC. Secondly, we have administered a questionnaire to gauge the degree of satisfaction experienced by users when acquiring educational content through our proposed NPC. The results of our evaluation indicate that interactive NPCs can indeed be employed, albeit with a relatively modest impact on enhancing the educational process.</p> 2024-06-18T06:23:11+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Vinza Satria Fitting factor analysis of the Doreme I and II basic pattern system on size m blouses 2024-06-27T15:19:42+00:00 Fira Dia Ayu Candra Sri Eko Puji Rahayu Hapsari Kusumawardani <p>The Doreme I and II pattern system is not quite popular. This research aimed to observe the fitting factor on women’s blouses using the Doreme I and II basic pattern system on a medium size blouse. This study used the descriptive method and quantitative approach. Instruments such as questionnaires containing 14 indicators of fitting factor were used to analyze the fit with percentage analysis. Based on the Doreme I pattern assessment on an M-size blouse, the fitting factor result was a poor fit. The results were 54.76% in the fit category, 28.57% in the poor fit category, and 16.678% in the not fit category. Meanwhile, the Doreme II pattern assessment on the M-size blouse obtained a fitting factor in the fit category. The results were 71.42% in the fit category, 19.04% in the poor fit category, and 11.9% in the not fit category. Also, according to the analysis, the Doreme II pattern had a precise position in several parts, while in Doreme I, due to the various additional numbers causing the dart to cross the bust circumference line. Thus, the bust circumference line must be adjusted to avoid a higher dart position.</p> 2024-06-18T06:24:34+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Fira Dia Ayu Candra, Sri Eko Puji Rahayu , Hapsari Kusumawardani Penerapan bentuk dan motif seni instalasi washi ke dalam quilting 2024-06-27T15:19:20+00:00 Monica Melinda Ayu Lestari Siti Zahro Wyna Herdiana Dian Prianka <p>Quilting merupakan metode menjahit 3 lapisan kain menggunakan tangan atau mesin jahit. Quilt umumnya terdiri dari 2 atau 3 lapisan yang dijahit bersama-sama dengan benang dan jarum, dalam hal ini bisa menggunakan tangan atau mesin jahit. Bentuk lain dari quilting adalah hanya dua lapis kain yang dipergunakan dan ini hanya untuk hiasan. Di atas permukaan kainnya diberi pola motif yang akan dijahit agar setelah selesai dijahit motif tersebut akan timbul pada permukaan kain. Bentuk dan motif seni instalasi washi diaplikasikan ke dalam quilting karena memberikan memberikan&nbsp; tekstur timbul sesuai dengan detail garis-garis pada seni instalasi washi. Seni instalasi washi oleh desainer Eriko Horiki merupakan seni keterampilan pengrajin dan metode yang sudah berusia seabad, bersama dengan teknologi pembuatan kertas yang canggih saat ini dalam karya seni instalasi washi melalui tradisi pembuatan kertas washi untuk menciptakan seni interior kontemporer dengan penerangan dalam instalasinya. Desainer Eriko Horiki memanfaatkan dan menyesuaikan kertas, bermain dengan tekstur permukaan dan cahaya, untuk membuat bagian instalasi, dinding interior dan partisi berskala besar.</p> 2024-06-27T09:36:07+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Monica Melinda Ayu Lestari, Siti Zahro, Wyna Herdiana, Dian Prianka