Keluwih: Jurnal Sains dan Teknologi <p align="justify"><strong>Keluwih: Jurnal Sain</strong><strong>s</strong><strong> dan Teknologi&nbsp;</strong>is an online, open access, and peer-reviewed journal. JST publishes two issues per year: in February (covering February-July) and in August (covering August-January). This journal is to provide a forum for the sharing, dissemination, and discussion of original research, case studies, and critical reviews in the fields of science and technology including biotechnology. This focus and scopes include, but are not limited to subjects in industrial engineering, informatics, electrical engineering, manufacture, environmental issues, renewable energi, chemistry and chemical engineering, product design &amp; management, and fashion design &amp; lifestyle products.</p> <p align="justify"><strong>eISSN:&nbsp;</strong>2721-2432</p> en-US <ul> <li class="show" style="text-align: justify;">Articles published in Keluwih: Jurnal Sains dan Teknologi are licensed under a <a title="CC BY SA" href="">Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International</a> license. You are free to copy, transform, or redistribute articles for any lawful purpose in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the journal, link to the license, indicate if changes were made, and redistribute any derivative work under the same license.</li> <li class="show" style="text-align: justify;">Copyright on articles is retained by the respective author(s), without restrictions. A non-exclusive license is granted to&nbsp;Keluwih: Jurnal Sains dan Teknologi to publish the article and identify itself as its original publisher, along with the commercial right to include the article in a hardcopy issue for sale to libraries and individuals.</li> <li class="show" style="text-align: justify;">By publishing in Keluwih: Jurnal Sains dan Teknologi, authors grant any third party the right to use their article to the extent provided by the <a title="CC BY SA" href="">Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International</a> license.</li> </ul> (Singgih Sugiarto) (Miftahur Rahman Fibri) Sat, 01 Feb 2025 00:00:00 +0000 OJS 60 Pengaruh jenis Spesies Pillaring Agent Logam Si dalam proses Pilarisasi Bentonit Alam <p style="text-align: justify;"><em><strong>Abstract</strong>—The pillarization process of natural bentonite from Pacitan, East Java has been carried out using the metal species Si in Na-silicate and TEOS. The pillarization process is carried out using direct pillarization and indirect pillarization methods. In this research, the number of moles of metal pillaring agent used was 5 mmol/gram bentonite. The pillarization process is carried out by mixing the natural bentonite suspension and pillaring agent at a temperature of 80<sup>o</sup>C and stirring for 5 hours using a hot plate stirrer. Pillars were formed in the calcination and oxidation stages at a temperature of 500<sup>o</sup>C using N<sub>2</sub> and O<sub>2</sub> gas flows for 1 hour and 5 hours respectively. The resulting material was characterized using the FTIR spectroscopy method, X-ray diffraction and N<sub>2</sub> gas adsorption using the BET method. The characterization results show that TEOS species can form better and more homogeneous pore structures compared to silicate species. The direct pillarization method provides better and more homogeneous pillar heights compared to the indirect pillarization method. However, the pore size obtained is still on the micropore size scale observed using the N<sub>2</sub> gas adsorption method with the BET method.</em></p> <p style="text-align: justify;"><strong><em>Keyword</em><em>s:</em></strong> <em>pillarization, si, teos, bentonite</em></p> <p style="text-align: justify;">&nbsp;</p> <p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>Abstrak</strong>—Telah dilakukan proses pilarisasi bentonit alam asal Pacitan, Jawa Timur menggunakan spesies logam Si dalam Na-silikat dan TEOS. Proses pilarisasi yang dilakukan menggunakan metode pilarisasi langsung dan pilarisasi tidak langsung. Pada penelitian ini jumlah mol logam <em>pillaring agent </em>yang digunakan adlah 5 mmol/gram bentonit. Proses pilarisasi dilakukan dengan mencampurkan suspensi bentonit alam dan <em>pillaring agent</em> pada suhu 80<sup>o</sup>C dan diaduk selama 5 jam menggunakan <em>hot plate stirrer</em>. Pilar dibentuk pada tahap kalsinasi dan oksidasi pada suhu 500<sup>o</sup>C menggunakan aliran gas N<sub>2</sub> dan O<sub>2</sub> masing-masing selama 1 jam dan 5 jam. Material yang dihasilkan dikarakterisasi menggunakan metode spektroskopi FTIR, difraksi sinar-X dan adsorpsi gas N<sub>2</sub> dengan metode BET. Hasil karakterisasi menunjukkan bahwa spesies TEOS dapat membentuk struktur pori lebih baik dan lebih homogen dibandingkan dengan spesies silikat. Metode plarisasi langsung memberikan tinggi pilar lebih baik dan lebih homogen dibandingkan dengan metode pilarisasi tidak langsung. Namun demikian ukuran pori yang diperoleh masih dalam skala ukuran mikropori yang diamati menggunakan metode adsorpsi gas N<sub>2</sub> dengan metode BET.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;"><strong><em>Kata kunci:</em></strong> <em>pilarisasi, si, teos, bentonit</em></p> <p style="text-align: justify;"><em>&nbsp;</em></p> Restu Kartiko Widi, Emma Savitri Copyright (c) 2025 Restu Kartiko Widi, Emma Savitri Sat, 01 Feb 2025 00:00:00 +0000