United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) Resolution as a declaration will be transformed into an international customary that has binding legal force as like other sources of international law. This process is called the 'instant customary of law'. Decisions of the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) have legally binding force based on Article 25 of the Charter. Its decisions have an impact for a country in conflict or dispute to comply and implement so for those states that violate will be given a sanction as regulated in the UN Charter.
Cheng, Bin. 1965, "UN Resolutions on Outer Space: Instant International Customary Law?” Indian Journal of International Law 23
Kofi A. Annan. 2000, Common Desnity, New Resolve, Annual Re-port on the Work on the Organization 2000, The United Nations Department of Public Information, New York
James Barros. 1990, United Nations, Past, Present and Future, diterjemahkan oleh D.H. Gulo, PBB, Dulu, Kini dan Esok, Edisi Kedua, Bumi Aksara, Jakarta
D.W. Bowett. 1995, The Law of International Institutional, diterjemahkan oleh Djajaatmadja, Bambang Iriana, Hukum , Organisasi Internasional, Sinar Grafika, Jakarta.
Jr. Kirgis, Frederic L. 1977, International Organizations in Their Legal Setting, Documents and Questions, St. Paul, Minn, West Publishing, Los Angeles
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