ANIMA Indonesian Psychological Journal
ANIMA Indonesian Psychological Journal publishes peer reviewed articles with editors and consultants providing detailed assistance for authors to reach publication.
ANIMA Indonesian Psychological Journal publishes research reports and scientific papers in psychology and/or related sciences with the aim to advance science, knowledge, and theory of psychology.
ISSN Print: 0215-0158
MPI (Media Pharmaceutica Indonesiana)
Media Pharmaceutica Indonesiana (MPI) is a journal focusing on pharmaceutical aspects. MPI is dedicated to update and support the development of information and knowledge on pharmaceutical fields. This journal is published twice a year (June and December). MPI has been accredited by Kemenristekdikti since July 9th, 2018 with an accreditation rank of 4.
Ekonomi dan Bisnis: Berkala Publikasi Gagasan Konseptual, Hasil Penelitian, Kajian, dan Terapan Teori
Ekonomi dan Bisnis: Berkala Publikasi Gagasan Konseptual, Hasil Penelitian, Kajian, dan Terapan Teori (JEB) is open access under the Faculty of Business and Economy Programme Study of Economics Development at the University of Surabaya with P-ISSN 1410-9204 and E-ISSN 2655-8858. The editorial board invites authors and experts to publish and share their ideas covered in the following subjects areas: globalization and foreign trade, social economics, and economic development. The major objective of the publication is to improve theories, concepts, and practices in the field of economic and development.
This journal first published was in December 1998. The aim of journal is to provide an international platform for knowledge sharing, discussion and networking on the various aspects related to developing economies through publications of original research including theoretical and empirical papers. The journal's coverage includes the following subject areas: globalization and foreign trade, social economics, and economic development. The participation of the well-known international and national experts in the editorial board is a guarantee of the sustainability and quality of the publications on the national and international scale. JEB was published regulary twice a year in June and November and contained at least five original article, preferably in English. The journal is usefull for various reader particularly: researchers, lecturers, undergraduate and postgraduate students, and also practitioners by introducing the lates empirical research finding, in related focus and scope.
Jurnal Yustika: Media Hukum dan Keadilan (YUSTIKA) is an open access, peer-reviewed, multidisciplinary journal dedicated to the publication of novel research in all aspects of jurisprudence, legal science, and law enforcement. YUSTIKA is published biannually (July and December) and accepts original research articles featuring well-designed studies with clearly analyzed and logically interpreted results. A strong preference is given to research that has the potential to make significant contributions to both the field of legal science and society in general.
We invite authors to submit articles in the fields of jurisprudence, legal science, and law enforcement. We accept articles either in English or Bahasa. The articles can be in the form of research report or conceptual writing.
YUSTIKA is published by Faculty of Law, University of Surabaya. First time published in 1998 based on SK LIPI No. 04.134/IV.3.05/ISSN/1998 dated May 13, 1998.
p-ISSN: 1410-7724 e-ISSN: 2655-7479
Jurnal Bisnis Terapan
Journal Bisnis Terapan (Journal of Applied Business) is an online and printed journal published by Politeknik Ubaya, Surabaya. This journal is published 2 (two) times a year, every June and December. The online version of the JBT journal was first published in August 2017. This journal (JBT) is a national-level scientific journal, containing scientific articles on the results of research, studies, and book reviews from lecturers as well as Professionals or Practitioners in the fields of applied management, marketing management, professional selling, accounting, secretariat, business administration, taxation, taxation management, business english, entrepreneurship, office management, business management, tax accounting, and others. This journal accepts articles either in Indonesian or English language There is no fees for articles that are processed and published.
Akuntansi dan Teknologi Informasi
Akuntansi dan Teknologi Informasi, or abbreviated as JATI is published by Accounting Department of the University of Surabaya's Faculty of Business and Economics. JATI contains articles on research and studies on accounting science and information technology. JATI is published on 2 (two) periods of March and September.
Fields of Study: Financial Accounting, Social Accounting, Management Accounting, Behavioral Accounting, Auditing, Taxation, Spiritual and Sharia Accounting, Accounting Education, Corporate Governance, Accounting and Management Information System.
Journal of Entrepreneurship & Business
The Journal of Entrepreneurship & Business (JEB) publishes all quantitative and qualitative research articles and other scientific studies related to Accounting & Financial Management, E-Business Management, Entrepreneurship, Human Resources Management, Marketing Management, Operation & Supply Chain Management, and Strategic Management. The Editor's attempts at JEB could be the major vehicle for exchanging ideas and research among business scholars. The JEB is an open-access journal published by the UBAYA School of Business, University of Surabaya Indonesia.
Publication Frequency
Journal of Entrepreneurship and Business (JEB) is published three times a year: February, June, and October.
Journal History:
They were first published in March 2020. The first accreditation in 2022 successfully obtained SINTA-3 for volume 1 edition 2 in 2020 and is valid until volume 6 edition 1 in 2025. -
Meraki: Journal of Creative Industries
Meraki: Journal of Creative Industries is a journal managed by the Faculty of Creative Industries at Surabaya University and is open as a public platform for publication covering various fields such as product design, fashion design, visual communication design, interior design, advertising, architecture, fine arts and performing arts, crafts, film and photography, culinary, music, performing arts, printing and publishing, software development and interactive games, as well as television and radio. This scope is based on the categorization carried out by the Ministry of Trade of the Republic of Indonesia and is broadly defined as industries that result from the utilization of creativity, skills, and individual talents to create job opportunities and improve welfare through the use of individual creative and innovative abilities.
CALYPTRA adalah Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa Universitas Surabaya merupakan kumpulan artikel yang ditulis oleh mahasiswa Universitas Surabaya yang terbit dua kali dalam satu tahun yaitu pada bulan Maret dan September. Fokus dari jurnal ilmiah berkala ini adalah mempublikasikan setiap hasil karya tugas akhir mahasiswa Universitas Surabaya dalam bentuk makalah ilmiah. Ruang lingkup dari jurnal ini adalah: Bidang Farmasi, Bidang Psikologi, Bidang Hukum, Bidang Bisnis dan Ekonomika, Bidang Teknobiologi, Bidang Teknik, Bidang Industri Kreatif, Bidang Kedokteran.
p-ISSN: 2303-8203
Jurnal Magister Hukum ARGUMENTUM
ARGUMENTUM is scientific article publication media for academicians and legal practitioners. We are published twice a year, in March and September. The aims of this journal is to provide a venue for academicians, researchers and practitioners for publishing the original research articles or review articles. The scope of the articles published in this journal deal with a broad range of topics, including: Criminal Law, Civil Law, International Law, Constitutional Law, Administrative Law, Islamic Law, Economic Law, Medical Law, Adat Law, Corporate Criminal Law, Environmental Law.
JURNAL MINUTA (MINUTA) is an open access, peer-reviewed, multidisciplinary journal dedicated to the publication of novel research in all aspects of jurisprudence, legal science, and law enforcement related to notary matters. MINUTA is published biannually and accepts original research articles featuring well-designed studies with clearly analyzed and logically interpreted results. A strong preference is given to research that has the potential to make significant contributions to both the field of legal science and society in general.
We invite authors to submit articles in the fields of jurisprudence, legal science, and law enforcement. We accept articles either in English or Bahasa. The articles can be in the form of research report or conceptual writing.
MINUTA is published by Master of Notary Study Program , University of Surabaya.
p-ISSN: 2656-1352 e-ISSN: 2685-3078
Keluwih: Jurnal Kesehatan dan Kedokteran
Keluwih: Jurnal Kesehatan dan Kedokteran is an online, open access, and peer-reviewed journal. JKK publishes two issues per year: in December (covering December-May) and in June (covering June-November) First published in December 2019. This journal aims to disseminate the results of original research, case report, and critical reviews in the fields of health and medicine. This focus and scopes include, but are not limited to a pharmacy, medicine, public health, and health biotechnology fields.
eISSN: 2715-6419 -
Keluwih: Jurnal Sains dan Teknologi
Keluwih: Jurnal Sains dan Teknologi is an online, open access, and peer-reviewed journal. JST publishes two issues per year: in February (covering February-July) and in August (covering August-January). This journal is to provide a forum for the sharing, dissemination, and discussion of original research, case studies, and critical reviews in the fields of science and technology including biotechnology. This focus and scopes include, but are not limited to subjects in industrial engineering, informatics, electrical engineering, manufacture, environmental issues, renewable energi, chemistry and chemical engineering, product design & management, and fashion design & lifestyle products.
eISSN: 2721-2432
Keluwih: Jurnal Sosial dan Humaniora
Keluwih: Jurnal Sosial dan Humaniora is an online, open access, and peer-reviewed journal. JKSH publishes two issues per year: in April (covering April-September) and in October (covering October-Maret) First published in April 2020. This journal is a medium for the researchers, academicians, and students to impart and share knowledge in the form of original research, case studies, and critical reviews in the fields of social and humanities. This focus and scopes include, but are not limited to a psychology, mental health, economics, human resources, and law areas.
eISSN: 2722-1741
Global Economic, Social, and Development Review
Global Economic, Social, and Development Review (GESDR) [Previously Ekonomi dan Bisnis: Berkala Publikasi Gagasan Konseptual, Hasil Penelitian, Kajian, dan Terapan Teori (JEB)] is open access under the Faculty of Business and Economy Programme Study of Economics Development at the University of Surabaya. The editorial board invites authors and experts to publish and share their ideas covered in the following subjects areas: globalization and foreign trade, social economics, and economic development. The major objective of the publication is to improve theories, concepts, and practices in the field of economic and development.
This journal first published was in December 1998. The aim of journal is to provide an international platform for knowledge sharing, discussion and networking on the various aspects related to developing economies through publications of original research including theoretical and empirical papers. The participation of the well-known international and national experts in the editorial board is a guarantee of the sustainability and quality of the publications on the national and international scale. GESDR was published regulary twice a year in June and November and contained at least five original article, preferably in English. The journal is usefull for various reader particularly: researchers, lecturers, undergraduate and postgraduate students, and also practitioners by introducing the lates empirical research finding, in related focus and scope.
Our previous website and archived journal :
Starting from Volume 28 No. 2 we will move to this site with a new name.
Proceeding of International Conference on Healthy Living (INCOHELIV)
In the midst of the urban hustle and the ceaseless cacophony of city life, what is often overlooked is whether they are still paying attention to mental health issues. The high demands of urban lifestyles should be balanced with a healthy mind. This is the vital core of urban healthy living. Therefore, this conference aims to promote the mental well-being of the urban community by emphasizing the importance from the perspectives of education, organizations, and clinical care. INCOHELIV is a journey to explore the challenges, innovations, and opportunities in fostering a healthier and more colorful life in the urban landscape.
Lex Discipulus Law Review is (LDLR) an open access, peer reviewed journal for all college students. Lex Discipulus Law Review itself was formed to be a forum for all Law Faculty students to express their thoughts and opinions which will then be published in a journal. Lex Discipulus Law Review will publish the journal twice a year (March and September) and accept original research articles containing well-designed research with clear and logical analysis and interpretation.
With the establishment of the Lex Discipulus Law Review, it is hoped that the thoughts and ideas from Law Faculty students can be useful. In order to realize this goal, we invite all Law Faculty students to submit articles which are original works in the fields of Civil Law, Criminal Law, Constitutional Law, State Administrative Law, and International Law. We accept articles in Indonesian and English
Sains & Teknologi
Jurnal Ilmiah Sains & Teknologi, merupakan media untuk publikasi tulisan asli yang berkaitan dengan sains teknologi dan lingkungan baik dalam Bahasa Indonesia maupun Bahasa Inggris. Naskah dapat berupa hasil-hasil penelitian mutakhir (paling lama 5 tahun yang lalu), ulasan (review) singkat, analisis kebijakan, atau catatan penelitian singkat (research notes), dan hasil awal percobaan (preliminary results). Naskah yang diterima adalah naskah yang belum pernah dimuat atau tidak sedang dalam proses publikasi dalam jurnal ilmiah nasional maupun internasional lainnya
Sosial & Humaniora
Jurnal Ilmiah Sosial & Humaniora (JSH), adalah jurnal yang memuat tentang hasil riset dibidang ilmu sosial dan humaniora. Tujuan jurnal ini adalah untuk memublikasikan dan menyebarluaskan tulisan-tulisan dalam bidang ilmu sosial dan humaniora yang dapat memberikan kontribusi bagi pengembangan ilmu pengetahuan. Terbit dua kali setahun pada bulan Juni dan Desember. Berisi tulisan yang berasal dari hasil penelitian, kajian atau karya ilmiah di bidang Sosial dan Humaniora. JSH menerima tulisan berbentuk riset kuantitatif maupun kualitatif dari akademisi, praktisi, peneliti, dan mahasiswa yang relevan dengan topik ilmu sosial dan humaniora.
Manajemen dan Bisnis
Manajemen dan Bisnis (abbreviated as MABIS and is translated as the Journal of Management and Business) is an open access journal with ISSN 1412-3789 and e-ISSN 2477-1783. The editorial board invites authors and experts to publish and share their ideas through scientific and empirical research in the field of Management and Business. The major objective of the publication is to improve theories, concepts, and practices in the field of management and business. The dissemination of research will enable young researchers, and practitioners to present and share their scientific empirical findings. We are going to be a bridge between theories and practices in management and business.
The participation of the well-known international and national experts in the editorial board is a guarantee of the sustainability and quality of the publications as a contribution to the development of management and business research on the national and international scale. MABIS will be published semi annual (March and September) and contained ten empirical researches, preferably in English. This will make it possible to introduce the latest empirical research findings to practitioners and academicians. The journal will be interesting both to academics and practitioners. The journal is aimed at researchers, lecturers, undergraduate and postgraduate students, and also practitioners.
Manajemen dan Bisnis has been accredited as a scientific journal by the Ministry of Research-Technology and Higher Education Republic of Indonesia: No. 30/E/KPT/2019