• Franky Roberto Gomies universitas surabaya
Abstract Views: 787 times
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Keywords: authority, administrative sanctions, authentic deed


The purpose of this study is to determine the authority of a Notary Public in the period of parole in carrying out his position as a public official making an authentic deed and knowing the legal position of an authentic deed made by a Notary during the parole who performs the duties of a Notary Public. This type of research is normative juridical by using the statutory approach, conceptual approach and case approach. From the results of the study note: First, the position of notary public, besides being a public official as well as a public official, so a notary must always maintain his honor and dignity and have a good personality. When a notary public commits a criminal offense, the Notary Position Act will also impose administrative sanctions. Of the cases examined in this study, a notary was sentenced to a criminal sentence for drug abuse, returning to his position as a notary public to serve the public while undergoing a period of parole. This is due to the negligence of the notary Supervisory Council that has been formed in stages starting from the Regional Supervisory Council, Regional Supervisory Council and Central Supervisory Council, which does not carry out its duties, functions and obligations properly. The two acts of notary that have legally lost their authority but re-practiced and served the community are acts that are carried out without authority so that the deed they make does not have power as an authentic deed.


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