Meningkatnya Kasus Kekerasan Terhadap Anak Selama Pandemi Corona virus disease 19 Indonesia

  • Mega Yuniar Simandjuntak Fakultas Hukum Universitas Surabaya
  • Yunita Barbara Gokok
Abstract Views: 229 times
PDF Downloads: 428 times
Keywords: Corona Virus Disease 19, Violence, Child, Protection


Since 2020, the entry of Corona virus disease -19 in Indonesia has changed

the order of life in this country. The Corona Virus pandemic has had a

negative impact on Indonesia in various aspects of life. The government

has set restrictions on activities outside the home to minimize the spread of

the virus, but this has actually led to an increase in cases of criminal acts,

especially violence, especially children as victims. The sad thing is that this

case of violence against children is carried out by those closest to them,

namely parents and family. Learning from home and termination of

employment triggers parental emotions that have fatal consequences for

children. cases of violence against children during the pandemic continue

to increase, but the exact number of cases cannot be determined. Many

consider the violence experienced by children as a family matter and does

not need to be interfered with by the authorities. Indonesia has actually

regulated legal protection for children, but in fact it is still being ignored.

The purpose of writing this article is to identify child violence that occurs,

the legal protection provided, as well as any solutions or programs that can

be used to minimize cases of child violence.


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