Relevansi Hukum Administrasi Negara Dengan Peraturan Daerah (Perda) Jawa Tengah Nomor 1 Tahun 2019 Mengenai Penyelenggaraan Pendidikan Pancasila
Pancasila is the cornerstone of national and state ideology in the affairs of the country and state. The Indonesian populace still does not comprehend the significance of the values included in Pancasila, which prevents its proper implementation. Spreading the nation's ideals involves education in a significant way. Throughout Indonesia, the implementation of education must be a means to promote Pancasila values as well as an antidote to foreign values that are anti-Pancasila. This study analyzes Regional Regulation Number 1 Central Java Education Implementation in Central Java in 2019 as a means to socialize Pancasila values. To address these issues, legal research techniques are employed. the material was obtained through literature research and analyzed qualitatively. Conclusions are made using the deductive method. based on data analysis it can be concluded that the Central Java Regional Regulation No. 1/2019 is generally not against Pancasila values, but this Perda requires revision of the preamble and some articles to make it a more effective tool for implementing Pancasila. value for society.
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