Perlindungan Hukum Bagi Mantan Direktur Perusahaan Yang Tagihannya Ditolak Dalam Pencocokan Piutang

  • Salsabila Alfitria Fakultas Hukum, Universitas Surabaya
Abstract Views: 119 times
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Keywords: Suspension of Dept Payment Obligations, law of obligations, Event of Default, wages



The journal entitled Legal protection for former directors whose wages are not paid and whose bills are rejected in bill matching discusses the issue of whether legal protection is for ex-directors whose wages are not paid and whose bills are rejected in matching bills. The research method uses conceptual approach which means solves problems using literature and views of legal scholars and also using statue approach which means solves problems using applicable laws and regulations. The results of the study stated that the refusal to submit a bill submitted by the former director for unpaid wages is a debt because it will not erase a debt if there is no fulfillment by paying the owed wages to the former director according to what was agreed. Then Legal protection for former directors whose wages are not paid and whose bills are rejected in bill matching can be obtained through 2 (two) forms, namely preventive legal protection accommodated by the Civil Code, the Bankruptcy Law and Suspension of Debt Payment Obligations, the Labor Law and Constitutional Court Decision Number 67/PUU-XI/2013. Then repressive legal protection can be carried out in the form of other lawsuits based on the explanation of Article 3 paragraph (1) UUK-PKPU, which is filing a lawsuit against the board relating to the debtor's assets.


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