Analisis Tindakan Juan Evo Morales yang Memerintahkan Pendukungnya untuk Menghalangi Bantuan Covid-19 bagi Masyarakat Bolivia Ditinjau dari Statuta Roma 1998

  • Gabriel Sieto Universitas Surabaya
  • Wisnu Aryo Dewanto Universitas Surabaya
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Keywords: Crimes against humanity, ICC Jurisdiction, Blocking the entry way of Covid-19 Aid.


Crimes against humanity are one of the four most serious international crimes regulated by the 1998 Rome Statute. Where individuals who commit them can be put on trial at the International Criminal Court (ICC) according to their jurisdiction. Currently, the State of Bolivia is receiving international attention due to allegations of crimes against humanity committed by the former president of the State of Bolivia himself. Juan Evo Morales, former President of the State of Bolivia has ordered his supporters to block or close the entry of covid-10 aid for the people of Bolivia. The goal is to cause suffering and misery for the people of Bolivia in the midst of the Covid-19 Pandemic, with full awareness that this Pandemic can impact/cause death to the Bolivians. By looking at the Rome Statute of 1998 and the jurisdiction owned by the ICC, Juan Evo Morales has committed Crimes Against Humanity and the ICC has the authority put Juan Evo Morales on trial. The research method used is Normative Legal, with Statute and Conceptual Approach. The results of the research show that the actions of Juan Evo Morales Morales, who ordered his supporters to obstruct the entry of Covid-19 aid for the people of Bolivia, is a crime against humanity in accordance with Article 7 paragraph (1) letter (k) of the 1998 Rome Statute and fulfills the jurisdiction of ICC.


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