Author Guidelines



JATI accepts manuscripts in Indonesian and English. Please, make sure that the Indonesian language used is good and correct. Meanwhile, make sure the spelling and grammar are correct for English articles.

Submission Preparation Checklist:

  • The manuscript should comply with the focus and scope of JATI
  • The manuscript has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in Microsoft Word document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • Manuscripts must comply with the following guidelines and be formatted according to the JATI submission template. The paper which does not comply with this requirement may be returned for revision (format/template) before entering the review process.
  • The text is 1.5-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines. and uses the Mendeley application for citation and referencing.
  • The manuscript only could be sent via the open journal system (OJS) 3 mechanism (not by email) at the web address:
  • The Editor of JATI reserves the right to edit the text contained without reducing or changing the intent of the writing.



Write the title briefly (no more than 15 words is recommended) and clearly. The title of the article should be concise, interesting and describe the content of the article.


The author's name is completed with the name, faculty, university, and country of the institution and includes a correspondence email.


Abstract written in English and Indonesian consists of 150 -200 words and contains a brief introduction to the problem, research objectives and contributions, research methods, results and conclusions. In the abstract, there should be no statistical figures or citations. The abstract consist of 3-5 keywords to figure out the basic concept in the fields of study.


The introduction explains the general research background, state of the art, novelty, gap analysis, research objectives and contributions.


In this section, it is advisable to present the latest (last 5-10 years) and relevant theories and literature reviews, as well as logical narratives used in explaining the relationship between variables and the development of research hypotheses. If there is a hypothesis statement, then it can be presented in this section.


Methods include research design, research objectives (population, sample, informant or research subject), instrument development techniques and data collection methods, measurement and definition of variables, and data analysis techniques.


Contains the results of data analysis, hypothesis testing, answering research questions, findings and interpreting the findings.


This section presents the research conclusion, limitations and advice for future research. The implication is practical advice from the results. Research limitation includes all aspects that researchers can consider to refine future research. While the research advice is advised for the next research based on the limitation that can not be done by the researcher.


Contains the sources referred to in the manuscript.


Contains the research instrument, questionnaires, experiment scenario, interview question list, and other instruments.


We recommend providing tables within your manuscript file where possible, ideally using a single table grid for each table, otherwise using tabs to separate columns. Please submit tables as editable text and not as images. You should number tables consecutively following their appearance in the text and place any table notes (see example table).

Table 1
Characteristics of Informants Based on Age, Gender, and Education 


If you have to use figures, try the image resolution should be displayed at its best so that when the image is enlarged, it is not broken/blurred. Give a caption at the bottom of the image (like this example).



Citations in the text are written between brackets mentioning the author's last name, year by commas, and page number if necessary.
1)   One citation resource with one until five authors, the last name of the authors have to be mentioned: one author: (Syafruddin, 2001); two authors: (Habbe & Hartono, 2000), five authors (Sofyani, Suryanto, Wibowo, Harjanti, & Utami, 2018); more than five authors using et al., for instance: (Boediono et al., 1999); more than one source citation by different authors: (Mardiyah, 2001; Kusumawati, 1999); more than one source citation with the same authors (Djakman, 1998; 2000).
2)   If the references consist of the author with more than one article in the same year, then the citation used the letters a and b after the year. Example: (Joni, 2014a; 2014b) or (Joni, 2014a; David, 2014b).
3)   If the author's name is mentioned in the text, so the name does not need to be mentioned in the citation in parentheses. Correct example: "Alamsyah (1998) states ....". Incorrect example: "Alamsyah (Alamsyah, 1998) states ...."
4)   Citation taken from the work of an institution should mention the acronym of the institution concerned; for example, Ikatan Akuntan Indonesia or IAI should be (IAI, 2008).
Quote directly and precisely from the referred references (not using a paraphrase) with the same number of lines with more than four lines written slightly indented to the right with a single space (one). Example:
Mulyadi (2011) states:
"Materiality is the value of the omitted or misstated accounting information, as seen from the surrounding circumstances, may result in changes or influence on the consideration of those who put faith in such information, for their omission or misstatement that."


Akuntansi dan Teknologi Informasi (JATI) bibliography writing style according to APA 6th edition style (available in default form in Mendeley, Endnote, Zotero, etc.). Highly recommended to write a bibliography using the software citation mentioned. Each article should contain a bibliography (only the source citation) arranged alphabetically according to the author's last name or the institution's name. Example:
Bray, J., & Sturman, C. (2001). Bluetooth: Connect without wires. Upper Saddle River. New York: Prentice-Hall.
Forouzan, B.A., & Fegan, S.C.. (2007). Data communications and networking, Fourth edition. New York: McGraw-Hill.
Journal (DOI is if any)
With DOI
Coolen-Maturi, T. (2013). Islamic Insurance: Demand and Supply in the UK. International Journal of Islamic and Middle Eastern Finance and Management6(2), 87-104.
Without DOI
Tseng, Y.C., Kuo, S.P., Lee, H.W., & Huang, C.F. (2004). Location tracking in a wireless sensor network by mobile agents and its data fusion strategies. The Computer Journal47(4), 448–460. Retrieved from
Paper published in the proceeding
Ali, S., Green, P., & Roob, A. (2012). The Influence of Top Managements’ Absorptive Capacity of IT Governance Knowledge on Business-IT Alignment: an Empirical Analysis. Paper was presented at the AMCIS 2012 Proceedings, Australia.
Article in Website
Alexander, J., & Tate, M.A. (2001). Evaluating web resources. Retrieved from Widener
University, Wolfgram Memorial Library. Available at:
The University of Portsmouth.,137568,en.pdf

Ministry of Administrative Reform and Bureaucratic Reform. (2012). Minister of Administrative and Bureaucratic Reform Circular Number: 08 / M.PAN-RB / 06/2012 concerning Complaint Handling System (Whistleblower System) Crime Corruption in the Ministry/Institution and Local Government Environment.