The Influence of Perceived Authenticity towards Purchase Intention from the Restaurant Image and Positive Emotion in Zangrandi Cafe in Surabaya

The growth of business in food & beverage makes the effort in this industry turn out
to be more strictly competitive. Ice cream becomes one of the products which may
interest new entrepreneurs in food & beverage. The newcomers put much effort to
create the authenticity and difference from others in order to seize the attention of ice
cream lovers from the prior merchants. This research aims at investigating the
influence of perceived authenticity towards people’s purchase intention from the
restaurant image and positive emotion in Zangrandi Cafe on Yos Sudarso Street,
Surabaya. The research took 150 customers as the samples who fulfilled the
requirements such as not less than 17 years old, having tasted the ice cream in
Zangrandi Cafe on Yos Sudarso Street, Surabaya, having tried the ice cream in
Zangrandi Cafe on Yos Sudarso Street, Surabaya once in the last 3 months at least.
The data gathering method used in this research is purposive sampling. Meanwhile,
Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) is employed as a data analyzing technique.
The results show that (1) Perceived Authenticity positively and significantly brings
influence towards Restaurant Image, (2) Perceived Authenticity positively and
significantly brings influence towards Positive Emotion, (3) Restaurant Image
positively and significantly brings influence towards Positive Emotion, (4) Restaurant
Image positively and significantly brings influence towards Purchase Intention, (5)
Positive Emotion positively and significantly brings influence towards Purchase
Intention, (6) also Perceived Authenticity positively and significantly brings influence
towards Purchase Intention.
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