Using SWOT Analysis to Design Organizational Structure in Small Enterprise

  • Litasari Widyastuti Suwarsono Industrial Engineering Department, Telkom University
  • Atya Nur Aisha Telkom University
  • Dwi Wahyuni Industrial Engineering Department, Telkom University
  • Fida Nirmala Nugraha Industrial Engineering Department, Telkom University
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Keywords: organizational structure, SWOT, MSME


One of the biggest challenges of MSMEs is how to manage its resources to increase their business. Ani's Craft, already survives for 6 years now faces challenges to growth because lack of strategic planning, ineffective of HR management and unstructured organizational design. This study aims to design an organizational structure based on strategy that will help the small enterprise to growth. The study began with identifying the internal and external factors that influence its business. Result shows the strategy that fits the conditions was the WO strategy.  New organizational structure was proposed that emphasize the importance of company's needs by adding marketing and finance divisions.


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How to Cite
Widyastuti Suwarsono, L., Aisha, A. N., Wahyuni, D., & Nirmala Nugraha, F. (2022). Using SWOT Analysis to Design Organizational Structure in Small Enterprise. Journal of Entrepreneurship and Business, 3(1), 49-61.