Strategic Entrepreneurship Mediating the Impact of, Financial Literacy and Use of Social Media on MSMEs’ Entrepreneurial Orientation in Indonesia

Purpose: This research aims to determine the influence of financial literacy and social media on entrepreneurial orientation among MSME actors in Indonesia, with strategic entrepreneurship as a mediator.
Method: The research employs a quantitative approach, utilizing data collection through questionnaires. Purposive Sampling was used to select the sample, and the analysis was conducted using Descriptive Analysis and Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) methods).
Result: The development of strategic entrepreneurship skills as a critical mechanism in harnessing the potential benefits of financial literacy and social media use for enhancing entrepreneurial orientation. This mediation suggests that financial knowledge and strategic use of digital platforms are not merely additive but synergistically enhance entrepreneurial capacities through effective strategic actions. This finding underscores the importance of integrating strategic entrepreneurship training and support into financial education and social media usage strategies for MSME actors, to foster a more dynamic and innovative entrepreneurial ecosystem in Indonesia.
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