Abstrak - Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh dari Consumer Values pada Attitude Toward Behavior serta pengaruh Attitude Toward Behavior, Perceived Behavioral Control, Subjective Norms, dan Past Experience sehingga mempengaruhi Purchase Intention Vaseline MEN Face Wash di Surabaya. Penelitian ini merupakan replikasi penelitian oleh Kim, H.Y., Chung, Jae-Eun (2011) dengan judul “Consumer purchase intention for organic personal care products”, sekaligus modifikasi dari penelitian oleh Ting Chi,. Peter K. (2011) dengan judul “Understanding consumer perceived value of casual sportswear: An empirical study”. Pada penelitian ini terdapat 10 variabel dengan 31 indikator. Jumlah sampel yang diambil sebesar 205 responden dengan kriteria spesifik yaitu berjenis kelamin pria, berusia 18-40 tahun, pernah menggunakan produk Vaseline MEN face wash, melakukan pembelian produk Vaseline MEN face wash dengan dana pribadi, pernah menggunakan produk perawatan pribadi selama 3 bulan terakhir. Metode pengolahan data menggunakan Structural Equation Modeling dengan software Lisrel 8.80. Hasil yang didapat dalam penelitian ini serupa dengan penelitian Kim et al., (2011). Temuan dari penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 4 elemen consumer values yaitu price, social, emotional, quality berpengaruh positif terhadap Attitude Toward Behavior. Attitude Toward Behavior, Perceived Behavioral Control, Subjective Norms, dan Past Experiences berpengaruh positif terhadap Purchase Intention produk Vaseline MEN Face Wash di Surabaya.
Kata Kunci: Attitude Toward Behavior, Perceived Behavioral Control, Subjective Norms, Past Experiences, Purchase Intention, Structural Equation Model
ABSTRACT - This study was aimed at identifying the influence of Consumer Values to Attitude Toward Behavior and Attitude Toward Behavior, Perceived Behavioral Control, Subjective Norms, and Past Experience . The study was a replication of the previous one conducted by Kim, H.Y., Chung, Jae-Eun (2011) entitled “Consumer purchase intention for organic personal care products” also modification of the previous one conducted by Ting Chi,. Peter K. (2011) entitled “Understanding consumer perceived value of casual sportswear: An empirical study”. There were 10 variables with 31 indicators. The samples were taken from 205 respondents who had specific criteria, i.e., Men, 10-40 years old, and having used Vaseline MEN face wash, bougth with his own money, used personal care products the last three months. The data was analyzed using Structural Equation Modeling by means of Lisrel 8.80. The results of this study similar from those of Kim et al., (2011). This study found out that there was 4 elements of Consumer Value, i.e., price, social, emotional, quality significant influence among Attitude Toward Behavior. Attitude Toward Behavior, Perceived Behavioral Control, Subjective Norms, and Past Experiences significant influence among Purchase Intention of Vaseline MEN face wash in Surabaya.
Key words: Attitude Toward Behavior, Perceived Behavioral Control, Subjective Norms, Past Experiences, Purchase Intention, Structural Equation Model
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