• Ivana Yan Putri Jurusan Akuntansi / Universitas Surabaya
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Keywords: audit tenure, rotation of audit, audit quality, code of conduct


Abstrak - Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji pengaruh tenur audit partner, tenur audit KAP, rotasi audit partner, dan rotasi audit KAP terhadap kualitas audit pada badan usaha sektor manufaktur yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia periode 2012-2014. Pengambilan sampel dari populasi penelitian ini menggunakan metode purposive sampling. Dari metode tersebut, diperoleh sampel penelitian sebanyak 264 badan usaha sektor manufaktur. Model analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah statistik deskriptif dan regresi linier berganda, dengan menggunakan variabel dummy untuk mengukur variabel rotasi audit partner, rotasi audit KAP, ukuran KAP, dan spesialisasi auditor. Variabel spesialisasi auditor diukur berdasarkan pangsa pasar yang dihitung berdasarkan total aset untuk menentukan termasuk auditor spesialisas atau nonspesialis. Proksi kualitas audit diukur dengan menggunakan nilai absolut dari diskresionari akrual model Kasznik (1999). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tenur audit partner, tenur audit KAP, rotasi audit partner, dan rotasi audit KAP tidak berpengaruh terhadap kualitas audit. Penelitian ini membuktikan bahwa kualitas audit lebih akan meningkat apabila seorang auditor mampu melaksanakan audit sesuai prosedur dan mematuhi kode etik profesi akuntan publik yang telah ditetapkan.

Kata Kunci: tenur audit, rotasi audit, kualitas audit, dan kode etik.

Abstract - This study aimed to examine the effect of audit partner tenure, tenure KAP audit, audit partner rotation, and the rotation of audit KAP on audit quality in the manufacturing sector enterprises listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange 2012-2014. Sampling of the study population using purposive sampling method. From this method, obtained samples are 264 enterprises manufacturing sector. Model analysis of the data used in this research is descriptive statistics and multiple linear regression, using dummy variables to measure variables audit partner rotation, rotation of audit KAP, KAP size and specialization auditor. Auditor specialization variables measured by market share based on total assets, including the auditor to determine spesialisas or non-specialist. Proxy of audit quality is measured by using the absolute value of the discretionary accruals Kasznik models (1999). The results showed that the audit partner tenure, tenure KAP audit, audit partner rotation, and the rotation of audit KAP has no effect on audit quality. This study proves that audit quality would increase if an auditor is able to perform the audit in accordance with procedures and comply with the code of ethics of public accountants that have been established.

Keywords: audit tenure, rotation of audit, audit quality, and code of conduct


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