Water is one of the basic needs for the life, including humans. Humans will not survive without any water intake into the body. Problems begin because the higher of pollution entering water bodies as more as water needs,, especially related to the quality of drinking water including refill drinking water from the depots. This study aims to determine whether or not coliform bacteria in refill drinking water depots (DAMIU) located in the circle of Integrated Campus ‘Aisyiyah Yogyakarta and whether drinking water refills are worth consumption or not. The research method used is descriptive method by comparing the laboratory results with the standard table of MPN (Most Probable Number) consisting of presumtive test, confirmation test and complementary test. The results showed that two samples from five DAMIU drinking water samples was positive containing coliform bacteria of 29 CFU/100 ml and 35 CFU/100 ml. In addition, both samples of drinking water was also indicated to contain Escherichia coli bacteria, each of which was 1 CFU/100 ml. This results showed that both samples of drinking water refill was not worth consumption because it was not in accordance with the Regulation of Minister of Health RI No. 492/MENKES/Per/IV/2010 that the microbiological requirement of drinking water quality is 0 CFU/100 ml.