The Effect of Online Customer Reviews on Purchase Intention With Customer Trust as A Variable in Purchase Decision on Sociolla Consumers

Purpose: This study aims to analyze the effect of Online Customer Reviews on purchase intention with customer trust as a purchasing decision variable for Sociolla consumers.
Method: This research is using the Non Probability Sampling method with Purposive Sampling. The sample used in this study was 250 respondents with characteristics; Men and women aged 17 years and over, know and have an account on the Sociolla website, and have also shopped at Sociolla in the last 3 months. Data was collected by distributing questionnaires and using the SEM-PLS Software 4.0 analysis technique for analysis.
Results: The results of this study indicate that Online Customer Reviews has a positive influence on customer trust on the Sociolla website, customer trust has a positive influence on consumer buying interest to shop online, and Online Customer Reviews has a positive influence on consumer buying interest through customer trust to shop on line.
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