• Raden Ayu Aminah Rizkia Puspitasari Jurusan International Business Networking Fakultas Bisnis dan Ekonomika Universitas Surabaya
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Keywords: Business Education, Professionalism, Teaching Perfomance, Learning Methods, Motivation


This research is applied research that aims to give the student an understanding of the needs of the related recommendation related with motivate learning needs in business. See the learning interest of college students at present; using the method of studying such a presentation, it is reasonably effective yet to improve their understanding. The role of learning methods is an important thing to be a liaison between the approaches of delivery material lecturer with college students. The purpose of this study is to see how lecturer’s professionalism and teaching performance in motivating new students on international program in business. The one of methods of innovation to help students is storytelling can understand the material, in a way that is easy to remember and simple. The author uses qualitative methods by means of interviews, observation and analysis of documents as well as the dissemination of the questionnaire in order to support the validity of the data. The main objects of the research are leaders, lecturer and new students of international program in business at X Business School. The scope of this research is on introduction to business and focus on methods of teaching performance. On the basis of the findings obtained during the study, the authors can conclude that not all of the lecturer who had a good knowledge can teach students well in the class and make an effective and innovative method is one of the interesting ways to be developed. Therefore, this various method of learning can be considered to be developed on this subject as well as other business courses.


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