• Cynthia Cynthia Jurusan Managemen / Universitas Surabaya
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Keywords: word of mouth, consumer self-confidence, Extraversion, Neuroticism


Abstrak ± Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh kepercayaan diri konsumen yaitu Social Consumer Confidence dan Personal Consumer Confidence terhadap Word of Mouth. Kepercayaan diri dinilai berdasarkan kepribadian Extraversion dan Neuroticism yang ada pada diri konsumen. Hasilnya adalah hanya Social consumer confidence yang memiliki nilai signifikan terhadap produksi WOM sedangkan personal consumer confidence tidak memiliki pengaruh terhadap WOM. Hal ini berarti, semakin tinggi kepercayaan diri konsumsi secara sosial pada seseorang akan semakin besar kecenderungan untuk melakukan word of mouth. Dilihat secara penuh seluruh hasil penelitian, dapat diketahui bahwa extraversion memiliki kontribusi positif terhadap social consumer confidence dan neuroticism memiliki kontribusi negatif terhadap social consumer confidence. Dengan demikian, dapat diketahui social consumer confidence konsumen dipengaruhi oleh kedua jenis kepribadian tersebut. Selanjutnya tinggi rendahnya social consumer confidence akan berdampak pada tinggi rendahnya word of mouth.

Kata kunci: word of mouth, consumer self-confidence, Extraversion, Neuroticism.

Abstract ± This study aims to determine the influence of consumer confidence that is Social Consumer Confidence and Personal Consumer Confidence against Word of Mouth. Confidence is judged on the personality of Extraversion and Neuroticism in the consumer. The result is only Social consumer confidence that has a significant value to WOM production while personal consumer confidence has no influence on WOM. This means, the higher the confidence of social consumption in a person will the greater tendency to do word of mouth. Viewed in full all the research results, it can be seen that extraversion has a positive contribution to social consumer confidence and neuroticism have a negative contribution to social consumer confidence. Thus, it can be known consumer social consumer confidence is influenced by both types of personality. Furthermore, the high level of social consumer confidence will affect the high level of word of mouth.

Keywords: word of mouth, consumer self-confidence, Extraversion, Neuroticism.


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