Abstrak - Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat dampak adopsi IFRS secara bertahap khususnya dalam kemampuan earnings periode ini untuk memberikan informasi future earnings dan future cash flows from operations selama periode konvergensi IFRS di Indonesia dengan membandingkan kemampuan earnings untuk memprediksi future earnings dan future cash flows from operations tiap periode. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan secara kuantitatif dengan badan usaha yang terdaftar di BEI selama periode 2010-2013 sebagai objek penelitian. Jumlah sampel yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah 420 badan usaha. Temuan penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tidak ada peningkatan hubungan antara earnings periode berjalan dengan future earnings, namun ada peningkatan hubungan antara earnings periode berjalan dengan future cash flows from operations. Hal ini terjadi karena adopsi IFRS menuntut perusahaan untuk lebih transparan dengan adanya full disclosure, sehingga net income kurang dapat dimanipulasi mengakibatkan earnings yang terjadi periode ini belum tentu berulang di periode selanjutnya yang menyebabkan menurunnya kemampuan untuk memprediksi future earnings, namun meningkatkan kemampuan untuk memprediksi future cash flows from operations karena laba yang terjadi periode tersebut berhubungan erat dengan arus kas dari aktivitas operasional di periode selanjutnya.
Kata kunci : Current Earnings, Future Earnings, dan Future Cash Flows from Operations
Abstract – This study aims to look at the impact of the adoption of IFRS gradually, especially the ability of current earnings to provide information about future earnings and future cash flows from operations during the period IFRS convergence in Indonesia by comparing the ability of earnings to predict future earnings and future cash flows from operations of each period. This study uses a quantitative approach to all of the business entity listed on the Stock Exchange during the period 2010-2013 as the research object. The samples used in this study were 420 business entities. The study's findings that there is no increasing relationship between the current earnings and future earnings, but there is an increasing relationship between current earnings and future cash flows from operations. This happens because of the adoption of IFRS requires companies to be more transparent with their full disclosure, so net income is less manipulated, it makes earnings that occurred this period may not be repeated in the next period which led to a decreased ability to predict future earnings, but improving the ability of current earanings to predict future cash flows from operations because current earnings are more closely related to future cash flow from operating activities.
Keywords : Current Earnings, Future Earnings, and Future Cash Flows from Operations
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