• Jeneffer Tirtadinata Akuntansi / Fakultas Bisnis dan Ekonomika
  • Dedhy Sulistiawan Akuntansi / Fakultas Bisnis dan Ekonomika
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Keywords: Accrual Earnings Management, Real Earnings Management, IFRS, Top Management, Women


Abstract –This research is to test whether adopting IFRS and the presence of women in top management will give a negative impact on earnings management, due to the differences in behaviour between men and women. The samples used in this study were that all business entities listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange for the periode 2010 – 2013. The samples used in this study are 324 companies. After testing, the obtained results indicate that the adoption of IFRS did not give a significant negative effect on earnings management on accrual and real basis. Concerning the presence women in top management, it does not have a negative significant influence on accrual earnings management; yet it provides a significant positive effect on real earnings management when measured using abnormal discretionary costs, and provide a significant negative effect on real earnings management when measured using abnormal production costs.


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