Abstrak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1) mengetahui hubungan kematangan emosi dengan kesiapan menikah di usia emerging adulthood pada perempuan beretnis Arab, (2) mengetahui seberapa tinggi kesiapan menikah subjek penelitian, (3) mengetahui seberapa tinggi kematangan emosi subjek penelitian. Pengambilan data dengan menggunakan teknik purposive sampling diperoleh subjek penelitian (N=118). Kesiapan menikah diukur dengan angket yang disusun oleh peneliti dengan acuan dari Ghalili et al (2012) dan kematangan emosi diukur dengan Emotional Maturity Scale (EMS) yang dikembangkan oleh Dr. Yashvir Singh dan Dr.Mahesh Bhargava 2010 (dalam Sangtam,2014). Hasil uji korelasi menunjukkan adanya hubungan positif antara kematangan emosi dengan kesiapan menikah di usia emerging adulthood pada perempuan beretnis Arab. Mayoritas subjek penelitian memiliki tingkat kematangan emosi dan kesiapan menikah yang tergolong tinggi.
Kata kunci: Kematangan Emosi, Kesiapan Menikah, Perempuan Beretnis Arab, Emerging Adulthood
Abstract. This research is purposed to find out (1) the relation between emotional maturity with marriage readiness in emerging adulthood to women with arabian ethnic,(2) find out the level of marriage readiness of research subjects,(3) find out how mature the emotion of the subjects. This research sampling method use purposive sampling method with (N=118) subjects. The marriage readiness is measured with quitioner which according to Ghalili et al (2012) and the emotional maturity measured with Emotional Maturity Scale (EMS) method which was developed by Dr. Yashvir Singh and Dr.Mahesh Bhargava 2010 (Sangtam,2014). The results show positive relation between the emotional maturity to marriage readiness at emerging adulthood on arabian ethnic women. Majority of subjects have high level emotional maturity and marriage readiness.
Keywords: Emotional Maturity, Marriage Readiness, Arabian Ethnic Women, Emerging Adulthood
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