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Manajemen Modal Kerja, Profitabilitas, Siklus Konversi Kas
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh manajemen modal kerja terhadap profitabilitas Sektor Industri Barang Konsumsi yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia periode 2008-2012. Pengelolaan modal kerja yang optimal dapat meningkatkan profitabilitas perusahaan.
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Samiloglu, F., dan K. Demirgunes, 2008, The Effect of Working Capital Management on Firm Profitability: Evidence from Turkey, The International Jurnal of Applied Economics and Finance, Vol. 2, No.1, pp-44-50.
Charitou, M., P. Lois, H.B. Santoso, 2012, The Relationship Between Working Capital Management And Firm’s Profitability: An Empirical Investigation For An Emerging Asian Country, International Business & Economics Research Journal, Vol 11: 8.
Garcia, J.F.L., F.V. Martins., dan E.Brandao, 2012, The Impact of Working Capital Management upon Companies’ Profitability: Evidence from European Companies, Working Paper, Universidade do Porto-Faculdade de Economia, Moderna University of Porto-CEMPRE, Faculdade de Economia.
Gill, A., N. Bigger, N. Mathur, 2010, The Relationship Between Working Capital Management And Profitability: Evidence From The United States, Business and Economics Journal, Vol. 2010: BEJ-10.
Gujarati, D. N., 2004, Basic Economics, 4th Edition, McGraw Hill International. Kithi, J.N., 2008, The Relationship Between Working Capital Management And Profitability Of Listed Companies In The Nairobi Stock Exchange, Thesis, University of Nairobi.
Mansoori, E., dan J. Muhammad, 2012, The Effect of Working Capital Management on Firm’s Profitability: Evidence from Singapore, Interdisciplinary Journal of Contemporary Research in Business, Vol. 4: 5.
Rehn, E., 2012, Effects of Working Capital Management on Company Profitability, Thesis, Hanken School of Economics.
Samiloglu, F., dan K. Demirgunes, 2008, The Effect of Working Capital Management on Firm Profitability: Evidence from Turkey, The International Jurnal of Applied Economics and Finance, Vol. 2, No.1, pp-44-50.
Bidang Manajemen (M)
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