Cytotoxic Activity of Pentacyclic Triterpene-3-Heptadecanoate Ester against Hela Cell Line and Its Docking Study

  • Sri Mulyani Mulyadi Faculty of Pharmacy, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta
  • Tri Yuliati
  • Maulana Tegar
  • Imam Ardhila
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Keywords: Hela cells line; pentacyclic triterpene-3-heptadecanoate ester; 12,13-dihydro-α-amyrin-20,30- en-α-amyrin-3-ol; 12,13-dihydro-α-amyrin-20,30-en-3-acetate ester; cytotoxic activity


Pentacyclic triterpene-3-heptadecanoate (12,13-dihydro-α-amyrin-20,30-en-3-heptadecanoate)
ester refers to the compound as a result of reaction between pentacyclic triterpene-3-ol
(12,13-dihydro-α-amyrin-20,30-en-3-ol) and heptadecanoic acid. This research was aimed to conduct
cytotoxicity test of pentacyclic triterpene-3-heptadecanoate; 12,13-dihydro-α-amyrin-20,30-en-3-ol
and 12,13-dihydro-α-amyrin-20,30-en-3-acetate esters against Hela cell line. The activity assay was
carried out using MTT method. The results indicated that IC50 value of 12,13-dihydro-α-amyrin-3-
heptadecanoate; 12,13-dihydro-α-amyrin-20,30-en-3-acetate and 12,13-dihydro-α-amyrin-20,30-en-3-
ol were 111.0, 151.1 and 944.4 μg/ml, respectively. The compound of 12,13-dihydro-α-amyrin-20,30-
en-3-heptadecanoate had the lowest IC50 value, suggesting it has a potency to be synthesized as an
anticancer drug.


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How to Cite
Mulyadi, S. M., Yuliati, T., Tegar, M., & Ardhila, I. (2017). Cytotoxic Activity of Pentacyclic Triterpene-3-Heptadecanoate Ester against Hela Cell Line and Its Docking Study. MPI (Media Pharmaceutica Indonesiana), 1(1), 12-18.
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