• Nadiah Arum Mindarti
  • Made Siti Sundari
  • Sugeng Hariadi
Abstract Views: 318 times
Nadiah Arum Mindarti, Made Siti Sundari, Sugeng Hariadi (Bahasa Indonesia) Downloads: 324 times


This research studies the factors that influence consumers in using online food delivery services. The variables used are Time Saving Orientation, Price Saving Orientation, and Behavior Intention to OFD Services. The questionnaire is used in the data collection
process. Questions in this study were published online and offline. Online distribution is done through Google Form and offline distribution is done by distributing it to students of the University of Surabaya. A total of 208 valid questionnaires were collected to be
submitted using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) data processing with SmartPLS software. Time Saving Orientation and Price Saving Orientation have positive and significant effect on Behavior Intention Towards OFD Services which support t-statistics
of 3,562 & 3,272 and P-Values of 0,000. The more culinary entrepreneurs who use e-commerce, the more transactions will occur, so it will increase the GRDP which will ultimately increase economic growth.


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How to Cite
Arum Mindarti, N., Siti Sundari, M., & Hariadi, S. (2021). BISNIS ONLINE: PREFERENSI KONSUMEN TERHADAP LAYANAN ONLINE FOOD DELIVERY. Ekonomi Dan Bisnis: Berkala Publikasi Gagasan Konseptual, Hasil Penelitian, Kajian, Dan Terapan Teori, 24(2), 33-40.
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