The Influence of Brand Image and Product Innovation on Customer Repurchase Intention through The Mediation of Customer Satisfaction Towards Indomie

Purpose: To examine the effect of Indomie's brand image and product
innovation on repurchase intention either directly or through
customer satisfaction.
Method: This study uses quantitative methods to obtain significant
results and data collection in the form of an online questionnaire
through a google Forms. The total number of respondents obtained was 153
respondents with a minimum age of 17 years or more, domiciled in
Surabaya, and had consumed Indomie in the last three months. The data
were then analyzed using the structural equation model technique
with the help of PLS 4 software.
Result: The results showed that brand image and product innovation
had a positive and significant impact on customer satisfaction and
repurchase intention, customer satisfaction had a positive and
significant impact on repurchase intention and consumer satisfaction
partially mediated the relationship between brand image and product
innovation on repurchase intention.
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