This study was aimed to find out the correlation between the characteristics of intravenous aminophylline pharmacokinetics with therapeutic response in pediatric patients with severe asthma attack and / stop breathing threat. The research design is retrospectively based on medical record at IGD RSU Haji Surabaya. Of the 36 patients receiving intravenous aminophylline from January 2016-June 2017 we obtained an estimate of pharmacokinetic parameters using population data assumption and PKPD data analysis with monolix® program obtained Vd = 0.286 liter / kg, K = 0.00564 / h, K12 = 2.41 / h , K21 = 0.0697 / h, Emax = 4.7 mg / L, and EC50 = 1.66mg / L. It was concluded that there was a relationship (p = 0,000) between the pharmacokinetics characteristics of aminophylline of intravenous infusion with therapeutic response in pediatric with severe asthma attack.
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