Integrasi Servqual, Kano, Kansei Engineering dan QFD untuk Meningkatkan Kualitas Layanan di Restoran Bakmi PGM Surabaya

Abstrak – Untuk meningkatkan kualitas layanan di Restoran Bakmi PGM pada penelitian ini digunakan beberapa metode integrasi pengukuran kualitas, yaitu metode SERVQUAL, Kano, Kansei Engineering dan QFD. Berdasarkan hasil survei terhadap 100 orang pelanggan Restoran Bakmi PGM, didapatkan nilai mean kepentingan terbesar yaitu karyawan terasa ramah dan sopan didalam memberikan pelayanan. Mean harapan terbesar yaitu kebersihan ruang makan. Mean kenyataan terbesar yaitu kesediaan dan kemauan karyawan dalam menginformasikan menu (yang tersedia maupun tidak tersedia). Untuk skor kepuasan terdapat 12 atribut layanan yang memiliki skor kepuasan positif dan 9 atribut layanan yang memiliki skor kepuasan negatif. Untuk Kano, terdapat 8 atribut layanan yang termasuk kategori attractive, 9 atribut layanan yang termasuk kategori one-dimensional, dan 4 atribut layanan yang termasuk kategori must-be. Sedangkan untuk nilai mean kansei words terbesar yaitu “Lega”. Dari hasil integrasi, terdapat 9 atribut layanan yang memiliki skor kepuasan negatif, memiliki nilai yang signifikan, berkategori attractive, one-dimensional, must-be, serta berkaitan dengan kansei words tertentu yaitu pada Kecepatan dan ketanggapan karyawan dalam melayani pelanggan baru atau yang butuh bantuan, Rasa aman saat makan di Bakmi PGM, Pengucapan selamat datang, terima kasih dan permohonan maaf, Layanan delivery order yang mudah dan cepat, Ketepatan jam buka dan tutup Bakmi PGM. Solusi perbaikan yang dapat disarankan untuk Restoran Bakmi PGM adalah Desain menu makanan diperbarui, Metode training yang baru, Penilaian kinerja karyawan, Re-layout Restoran Bakmi PGM, Menjalin kerjasama dengan penyedia jasa antar makanan online. Solusi tersebut dipilih karena memiliki nilai importance of how diatas rata-rata.
Kata Kunci: servqual, kano, kansei engineering, qfd, restoran
Abstract - To improve service quality in Bakmi PGM Restaurant, this research used several methods of integration of quality measurement, namely SERVQUAL, Kano, Kansei Engineering and QFD methods. Based on the results of a survey of 100 Bakmi PGM Restaurant customers, it was found that the mean value of the greatest interest was that employees felt friendly and polite in providing services. Meaning the biggest hope is the cleanliness of the dining room. The biggest reality is the willingness and willingness of employees to inform the menu (which is available or not available). For satisfaction scores there are 12 service attributes that have positive satisfaction scores and 9 service attributes that have negative satisfaction scores. For Kano, there are 8 service attributes which include attractive categories, 9 service attributes including one-dimensional categories, and 4 service attributes which are categorized as must-be. As for the mean value of the highest kansei, "Relief". From the results of integration, there are 9 service attributes that have a negative satisfaction score, have significant values, attractive categories, one-dimensional, must-be, and are related to certain words of meaning, namely the speed and responsiveness of employees in serving new customers or those who need help , Feel safe when eating at Bakmi PGM, welcome pronunciation, thank you and apologies, Easy and fast delivery order service, Accuracy of opening and closing hours of Bakmi PGM. The remedial solution that can be suggested for Bakmi PGM Restaurants is updated food menu design, new training methods, employee performance appraisal, re-layout of Bakmi PGM Restaurant, and collaborating with online food delivery providers. The solution was chosen because it has an importance of how value above the average.
Keywords: servqual, kano, kansei engineering, qfd, restaurant
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