• Shanti Krisawati Nadhilah Fakultas Bisnis dan Ekonomika Universitas Surabaya, Raya Rungkut, Surabaya 60293
  • Siti Rahayu Fakultas Bisnis dan Ekonomika Universitas Surabaya, Raya Rungkut, Surabaya 60293
  • Erna Andajani Fakultas Bisnis dan Ekonomika Universitas Surabaya, Raya Rungkut, Surabaya 60293
Abstract Views: 159 times
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Keywords: Satisfaction, Image, Behavior Intention, Word of Mouth


Abstrak-Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menentukan pengaruh Satisfaction, Image, dan Behavioral Intention, terhadap Word of Mouth pada Folk Music Festival. Variabel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu motivations, quality of service, satisfaction, image, behavior intention, dan word of mouth. Jenis penelitian yang di gunakan adalah penelitian kausal dengan pendekatan kuantitatif. Teknis analisis data yang digunakan adalah Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) dengan menggunakan SPSS 24 for windows dan AMOS versi 22. Jumlah sampel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 150 responden. Penelitian menyimpulkan bahwa adanya pengaruh Image, Behavioral Intention, dan Word of Mouth terhadap Satisfaction pada Folk Music Festival.

Kata kunci: Satisfaction, Image, Behavior Intention, Word of Mouth

Abstract‐ The objective of this study is to determine the influence of Satisfaction, Image, and Behavioral Intention, to Word of Mouth at Folk Music Festival. Variable used in this research are motivations, quality of service, level of satisfaction, image, behavior intention, and word of mouth. This type of research is causal research with quantitative approach. Data analysis technique Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) using SPSS 24 for windows and AMOS version 22. The number of samples used in this study were 150 respondents. The result of this study indicate the influence of Image, Behavioral Intention, and Word of Mouth to Satisfaction at Folk Music Festival.

Keyword: Satisfaction, Image, Behavior Intention, Word of Mouth


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