• Timotius William Anggawirawan Fakultas Teknik Universitas Surabaya, Raya Kalirungkut, Surabaya 60293
  • Susila Candra Fakultas Teknik Universitas Surabaya, Raya Kalirungkut, Surabaya 60293
  • Yuwono Budi Pratiknyo Fakultas Teknik Universitas Surabaya, Raya Kalirungkut, Surabaya 60293
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Keywords: battery position, electric vehicle, passenger formation, roll, skid, formasi penumpang, mobil listrik, posisi baterai, roll, skid


AbstractVehicle dynamic stability is influenced by many factors, but the main influencing factor is distribution of mass within the vehicle. Previous battery position of CEVI-C1 was located in the front and rear compartments. After being reconditioned, the battery position is located in the rear compartment only. There is no prior research on the effect of changes in battery position and passenger formation on the dynamic stability of CEVI-C1. Therefore, a dynamic stability analysis of CEVI-C1 is needed. The dynamic stability of CEVI-C1 is assessed through the vehicle's directional behavior when cornering. This behavior can be determined through several analyzes, which is slip, skid, and roll analysis. The results of the analysis show that CEVI-C1 tends to understeer in all variations. The results of CEVI-C1 skid analysis show that the average maximum vehicle speed in all variations of battery position and passenger formation has a value of 52 km/h. In the roll analysis, the battery position in the middle and front compartments has a maximum speed value of 72 km/h, while the battery position in the rear compartment has a value of 55 km/h. This difference is due to different vertical position of the vehicle's center of mass (CG). From the results of slip, skid, and roll analysis, it can be concluded that the battery position in the front compartment of CEVI-C1 has a better dynamic stability value than other compartments.

Keywords: battery position, electric vehicle, passenger formation, roll, skid


Abstrak—Kestabilan dinamis sebuah kendaraan dipengaruhi oleh banyak hal, namun pengaruh utama kestabilan ini adalah distribusi massa dalam kendaraan. Posisi Baterai CEVI-C1 sebelumnya terletak pada kompartemen depan dan belakang. Setelah direkondisi, posisi baterai terletak pada kompartemen belakang saja. Belum ada penelitian yang meneliti tentang pengaruh perubahan posisi baterai dan formasi penumpang terhadap kestabilan dinamis CEVI-C1. Oleh karena itu diperlukan analisis kestabilan dinamis pada CEVI-C1. Analisis kestabilan dinamis CEVI-C1 dinilai melalui perilaku arah kendaraan ketika berbelok. Perilaku ini dapat diketahui melalui beberapa analisis, yaitu analisis slip, skid, dan roll. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa CEVI-C1 cenderung berperilaku understeer pada semua variasi. Hasil analisis skid CEVI-C1 menunjukkan bahwa rata-rata kecepatan maksimum kendaraan dalam semua variasi posisi baterai dan formasi penumpang memiliki nilai 52km/jam. Pada analisis roll, posisi baterai pada kompartemen tengah dan depan memiliki nilai kecepatan maksimum 72 km/jam, sedangkan posisi baterai pada kompartemen belakang memiliki nilai 55km/jam. Perbedaan nilai ini diakibatkan posisi vertikal pusat massa kendaraan (CG) yang berbeda. Dari hasil analisis slip, skid, dan roll, dapat disimpulkan bahwa posisi baterai pada kompartemen depan CEVI-C1 memiliki nilai kestabilan dinamis yang lebih baik daripada kompartemen lainnya.

Kata Kunci: formasi penumpang, mobil listrik, posisi baterai, roll, skid


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