Formulation and pH-Physical Stability Evaluation of Gel and Cream of Plantago major Leaves Extract

  • Kartini Kartini Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Surabaya Jl. Raya Kalirungkut Surabaya 60294
  • Babtista Merchyta Winarjo Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Surabaya Jl. Raya Kalirungkut Surabaya 60294
  • Endang Wahyu Fitriani Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Surabaya Jl. Raya Kalirungkut Surabaya 60294
  • Ridho Islamie Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Surabaya Jl. Raya Kalirungkut Surabaya 60294
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Keywords: formulation; gels; creams; Plantago major; physical stability


Plantago major has been widely used for wound healing. This activity is supported by empirical
as well as preclinical data. The aims of this study were to (1) formulate Plantago major leaves extracts
(PMLE) into topical dosage forms i.e. creams and gels and; (2) evaluate the pH and physical stability of the
products. The results showed that creams and gels of PMLE were able to maintain the pH, visual appearance,
flow properties, droplet size, and type of emulsion under accelerated (40±2 °C; 75±5% RH for 1.5 months)
as well as room temperature (27 °C; 85% RH for 1.5 months) stability testing conditions. However, viscosity
of creams significantly changed under those conditions. Even though the viscosity of gels was unstable
under accelerated condition, it was stable under room temperature storage. It is concluded that PMLE
could be formulated into creams or gels dosage forms and further optimisation should be conducted.


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How to Cite
Kartini, K., Winarjo, B. M., Fitriani, E. W., & Islamie, R. (2017). Formulation and pH-Physical Stability Evaluation of Gel and Cream of Plantago major Leaves Extract. MPI (Media Pharmaceutica Indonesiana), 1(3), 174-180.
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