ABSTRAK - Penelitian mengenai aktivitas Reverse Logistics bertujuan untuk menggambarkan penanganan obat kembalian di PT Surya Dermato Medica Laboratories selama tahun 2010 – 2014. Adanya gambaran mengenai kegiatan Reverse Logistics di PT Surya Dermato Medica Laboratories ini diharapkan dapat memberikan manfaat, yaitu mengetahui sejauh mana praktik aktivitas Reverse Logistics yang telah dilakukan perusahaan, bagaimana prosedur pengembalian dan penarikan obat, serta dapat mengetahui nilai obat-obatan yang kembali di PT Surya Dermato Medica Laboratories. Penelitian ini menggunakan data obat kembalian yang terjadi selama tahun 2010 - 2014. Aktivitas Reverse Logistics di PT Surya Dermato Medica Laboratories digambarkan melalui Reverse Logistics Framework menggunakan 5 dimensi meliputi: 1) Dimensi Apa/What, 2) Dimensi Bagaimana/How, 3) Dimensi Siapa/Who, 4) Dimensi Dimana/Where, 5) Dimensi Mengapa dan Mengapa Tidak/Why and Why Not. Kelima dimensi tersebut dapat menggambarkan aktivitas Reverse Logistics di PT Surya Dermato Medica Laboratories dalam menangani obat kembalian. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa dari data yang telah diolah, tingkat pengembalian obat mengalami tren kenaikan tiap tahunnya beserta nilai yang dimiliki obat kembalian. Aktivitas Reverse Logistics di PT Surya Dermato Medica Laboratories sudah memiliki prosedur yang jelas. Pelaku, lokasi, dorongan secara ekonomi, undang-undang, hambatan serta tindakan atas obat kembalian dalam aktivitas Reverse Logistics telah digambarkan. Perusahaan terus memperbaiki dan melakukan aktivitas Reverse Logistics agar siap jika suatu saat harus menarik obat beredar karena hal tertentu.
Kata Kunci: Reverse Logistics (RL), pharmaceuthical, logistics, obat kembalian.
ABSTRACT - Research on Reverse Logistics activity aims to describe the returned drugs treatment in PT Surya Dermato Medica Laboratories during the years 2010 - 2014. Describing the activities of Reverse Logistics in PT Surya Dermato Laboratories Medica is expected to provide benefits, such to determine the extent of the practice of the activity of Reverse Logistics, about the procedure of return and recall of the drug, and enable to determine the value of the returned drugs in PT Surya Dermato Medica Laboratories. This study uses data of returned drugs that occurred during the years 2010 - 2014. Reverse Logistics activity in PT Surya Dermato Medica Laboratories illustrated by Reverse Logistics Framework using 5 dimensions including: 1) What Dimension, 2) How Dimension, 3) Who Dimension, 4) Where Dimension, 5) Why and Why Not Dimension. These five dimensions describe the activity of Reverse Logistics in PT Surya Dermato Medica Laboratories in handling the returned drugs. Results from this study indicate that the data has been processed, the returned drugs have an upward trend every year with the value that is owned by the drug change. Reverse Logistics activity in PT Surya Dermato Medica Laboratories already have a clear procedure. Actors, location, economic driver, legislation, barriers and dispositions on returned drugs in the activity of Reverse Logistics has been described. The company continues to improve the Reverse Logistics activities to enable the company recall its drug if anytime needed because of certain conditions.
Keywords: Reverse Logistics (RL), pharmaceuthical, logistics, returned drugs
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