ABSTRAK - Perubahan paradigma kefarmasian dari “Drug oriented” menjadi “Patient oriented” menuntut pelayanan kefarmasian atau “Pharmaceutical care” yang bermutu dan mengoptimalkan kualitas hidup dari pelanggan, sehingga menciptakan kepuasan pelanggan. Penelitian dilakukan untuk mengetahui faktorfaktor yang mempengaruhi kepuasan pelanggan di Apotek Ubaya. Penelitian dapat disebutkan sebagai replikasi penelitian sebelumnya oleh Khudair et al., (2011) dengan judul “Measuring patient’s pharmaceutical services at a public hospital in Qatar”, sekaligus modifikasi dengan menambah 3 elemen lean management. Penelitian dilakukan dengan metode survey kepada pelanggan Apotek Ubaya dengan jumlah sampel sebesar 185 dihasilkan dari survei langsung dan online. Untuk lebih mendalami hasil survey dilakukan juga wawancara kepada 3 pelanggan yang terdiri dari mahasiswa, karyawan Ubaya dan masyarakat sekitar Apotek Ubaya. Metode pengolahan data menggunakan metode Structural Equation Model yang diolah menggunakan program SmartPLS 3.0. Penelitian menggunakan 3 elemen dari lean management dan 5 dimensi dari kepuasan pelanggan. Temuan dari penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 3 elemen lean management yaitu customer focus, involvement behaviour dan waste elimination serta 1 dimensi dari kepuasan pelanggan yaitu medication teaching berpengaruh positif terhadap kepuasan pelanggan di Apotek Ubaya.
Kata Kunci: Lean management, Kepuasan pelanggan, Pharmaceutical Care, Structural Equation Model, Smart-PLS 3.0.
Abstract Pharmaceutical paradigm shift from the "Drug oriented" to "Patient oriented" demanding pharmaceutical services or "Quality Pharmaceutical care" and optimize the quality of life of customers, thereby creating customer satisfaction. The study was conducted to determine the factors that affect customer satisfaction in the pharmacy Ubaya. Research can be described as a replication of previous studies by Khudair et al., (2011) with the title "Measuring patient's pharmaceutical services at a public hospital in Qatar". The research was modified by adding three elements of lean management. conducted using a survey to customers pharmacy Ubaya the number of samples generated from a survey of 185 direct and online.In order to have a dept understandin, interviews with 3 customers were conducted which consisted of students, employees and the surrounding community pharmacies Ubaya. Data processing method using Structural Equation Model that is processed using the program SmartPLS 3.0. Research using the 3 elements of lean management and the 5 dimensions of customer satisfaction. The findings of the study indicate that the three elements of lean management, namely customer focus, involvement and waste elimination behavior and one dimension of customer satisfaction that medication teaching positive effect on customer satisfaction in the pharmacy Ubaya.
Keywords: Lean management, Customer satisfaction, Pharmaceutical Care, Structural Equation Model, Smart-PLS 3.0.
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