Abstrak- Kepuasan kerja berkaitan erat dengan tingkat kualitas kehidupan kerja dan mendukung timbulnya motivasi, komitmen organisasi, serta produktivitas kerja. Salah satu faktor yang berpengaruh terhadap tingkat kepuasan kerja adalah job fairness. Pentingnya pemberian gaji secara adil (distributive dan procedural justice) menjadi prediktor kuat terhadap fairness yang dirasakan karyawan. Penelitian bertujuan untuk meningkatkan fairness dan kepuasan kerja melalui pelaksanaan job evaluation yang menghasilkan job grading. Partisipan adalah 79 job title dalam 13 divisi kantor pusat PT. X. Pengambilan data asesmen dilakukan dengan mengukur tingkat kepuasan dan keadilan kerja. Pengambilan data intervensi dilakukan dengan review job description sebagai bagian dari job analysis dan dilakukan job evaluation dengan metode Hay untuk menghasilkan job grading. ±62% karyawan memiliki tingkat kepuasan dan keadilan kerja yang cukup. Gaji (18.2%) dan procedural justice (24.7%) menjadi faktor utama penyebab rendahnya tingkat kepuasan dan keadilan kerja pada 11.69% karyawan. Job evaluation mencakup 3 faktor pengukuran, yaitu know-how, akuntabilitas, dan problem solving. Penyusunan usulan sistem job grading, mendapat respon positif pihak manajemen sebagai langkah meminimalisir isu ketidakadilan dan dasar pengembangan sistem penggajian. Usulan sistem job grading ini perlu diikuti dengan evaluasi mendalam pihak manajemen dalam memahami prosedur dan juga sosialisasi secara transparan kepada karyawan karena perubahan yang akan diterapkan bersifat mayor.
Kata Kunci: Kualitas kehidupan kerja, kepuasan kerja, keadilan kerja, evaluasi jabatan, job grading, metode Hay.
Abstract- Job satisfaction is highly related with quality of work life, which supports the presence of motivation, organization commitment, and productivity.Job fairness is one factor that influencing job satisfaction. The importance of giving fair salary (distributive and procedural justice) becoming strong predictor of fairness among employees. This research aims to increase fairness and job satisfaction by engaging job evaluation that will produce job grading. 79 job titles form 13 division in PT.X’s head office were involved. Asssessment data were gathered by measuring job satisfaction and fairness level. Intervention data were collected by reviewing job desciption as part of job analysis and conducting Hay method job evaluation to grade the job. ±62% employees have an average level of job satisfaction and fairness. Salary (18.2%) and procedural justice (24.7%) are the prime factors subjected to low level of job satisfaction and fairness. 3 factors measured in job evaluation are knowhow, accountability, and problem solving. Concept of job grading system was positively responded by management as minimalizer of unfairness issues also as reward system basic development. Job grading system should be followed by management’s evaluation through procedure understanding and transparent socialization to all employees because of the major change.
Keywords: Quality of work life, job satisfaction, job fairness, job evaluation, job grading, Hay method.
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