• Jimmi Sutono Jurusan Manajemen Fakultas Bisnis dan Ekonomika Universitas Surabaya
  • Dudi Anandya Fakultas Bisnis dan Ekonomika Universitas Surabaya
  • Christina R. Honantha Fakultas Bisnis dan Ekonomika Universitas Surabaya
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Keywords: female shopping behaviour, consumer behaviour, show window


This study aims to prove the effect of show window towards purchase intent mediated by feel good inZARA,Surabaya. This type of research is causal research with quantitative approach. This study using purposive sampling approach, which is a sampling technique based on the consideration or personal judgment of researchers associated with the characteristics of the population according to the research sample. Thecharacteristics is respondents who visited ZARA and make some buy after seek a show window ZARAin the last one year. Respondents in this study amounted to 168 people. The analysis in this study using a model of SEM (Structural Equation Modeling) and processed using SPSS software version 22.0 for Windows and AMOS version 22.0 for Windows for testing Measurement and Structural Model. The result of this study indicate that allhypothesis supported such show window towards purchase intent and show wndow towards purchase intent mediated by feel good.



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